


From: [email protected] (1) ____: [email protected] Date: May, 26 th 2018 Subject: Wahyudi Ariyansyah - Application for Instructional Position To whom it may concern I am writting to express my interest to the fourth-grade instructional (2) ____ that is currently availabel in theJakarta International School. I am confident that my academic background and curriculum development skill would be (3) ____ in this teaching position. I have just completed my (4) ____ of Primary Teacher Education in Indonesia University of Education. During my student teaching (5) ____, my team and I have been successfully developed and initiated a three - week curriculum sequence on animal species and earth resources. This collaborative unit involved working with three other third grade teachers within my team and culminated in a field trip to Taman Nasional Baturan. In my (6) ____ with the third-grade classes, I stressed critical thinking and incorporation ofmathematical and science units into the course. the students' response is very encouraging. I am confident that as a teacher in your school system, I can create a productive learning (7) ____ that is students-centered. I have attached a copy of my (8) ____ for your consideration. I welcome the (9) ____ to discuss in person my ideas and qualifications. Thank you for your (10) ____. Best regards, The appropriate word to fill in the blank number (10) is…. Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger Edit in Ginger × Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger Edit in Ginger × Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger 0 Edit in Ginger × Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger Edit in Ginger ×

From: [email protected]

(1) ____: [email protected]

Date: May, 26th 2018

Subject: Wahyudi Ariyansyah - Application for Instructional Position


To whom it may concern

    I am writting to express my interest to the fourth-grade instructional (2) ____ that is currently availabel in the Jakarta International School. I am confident that my academic background and curriculum development skill would be (3) ____ in this teaching position.

   I have just completed my (4) ____ of Primary Teacher Education in Indonesia University of Education. During my student teaching (5) ____, my team and I have been successfully developed and initiated a three - week curriculum sequence on animal species and earth resources. This collaborative unit involved working with three other third grade teachers within my team and culminated in a field trip to Taman Nasional Baturan.

    In my (6) ____ with the third-grade classes, I stressed critical thinking and incorporation of mathematical and science units into the course. the students' response is very encouraging.

    I am confident that as a teacher in your school system, I can create a productive learning (7) ____ that is students-centered. I have attached a copy of my (8) ____ for your consideration. I welcome the (9) ____ to discuss in person my ideas and qualifications. Thank you for your (10) ____.

Best regards, 


The appropriate word to fill in the blank number (10) is….

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N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah ‘ attention ’ .

jawaban yang tepat adalah ‘attention.undefinedundefined




Kalimat (10) artinya “Terima kasih atas ____ Anda” Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah ‘ attention ’ . Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger Edit in Ginger ×

Kalimat (10) artinya “Terima kasih atas ____ Anda”

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah ‘attention.undefinedundefined

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Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

Put the words between brackets in the possible answers into the correct forms. The average salary for this position in this area for a professional with my level of experience (be) ____ between Rp...



Jawaban terverifikasi


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