

Read the following text. 

Plasma TV 

    A plasma display panel (PDP) is a type of display that is commonly found in large TVs (30 inches or larger). The word plasma refers to ionized gases that are electrically charged to produce an illuminated screen.

    Plasma displays wide a color gamut that can produce high resolution pictures. Scientists believe that the pictures are mostly the same as the real thing. Plasma can be applied on fairly large size screens - up to 3.8 metres diagonally. The plasma panel is about 6 cm thick. It is reported that plasma TV has lower black room, (unilluminated parts), than LCD screens.

    The plasma TV consumes power differently for different scenes. Bright scenes consume more power than the darker ones. The plasma that illuminates the screen might reach a temperature of 1200°C. When the screen cracks, the temperature of the plasma will directly decrease, to avoid fire and human injury. Normally, the plasma TV may consume 400 watts for a 30 inches screen and 310 watts for a 50 inch.

    The lifetime of the plasma TV might reach 100,000 hours or 27 years if used 10 hours per day. It is the reason why TV plasma is efficient.undefined 

Find the reference of the following pronouns. .... , than those of LCD screen.

Find the reference of the following pronouns.

 .... , than those of LCD screen. 

  1. ...undefined 

  2. ...undefined 

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A. Acfreelance

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah LCD screen .

jawaban yang tepat adalah LCD screen.


Kata yang di garis bawahi pada soal merujuk pada LCD screen . Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah LCD screen .

Kata yang di garis bawahi pada soal merujuk pada LCD screen.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah LCD screen.

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Answer these questions. What do you think of Plasma TV? (Give at least 3 opinions)



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