

Fill in the blank spaces with the words in the box! Lengkapilah bagian yang kosong dengan kata-kata dalam kotak! Reza: (1) ____ about studying English abroad? Putri: Personally, (2) ____. I studied English abroad two years ago in Sidney, and I really enjoyed. Reza: Sounds good. And (3) ____ about going by yourself? Putri: Well, I was a bit worried at first, but I made friends from all around the world. After the lessons, we used to go to the beach and in the evenings we went to the restaurants too. (4) ____ to learn English and make a lots of new friends. Well, I went in July and the atmosphere was great. Reza: (5) ____ and try it out myself.

Fill in the blank spaces with the words in the box!
Lengkapilah bagian yang kosong dengan kata-kata dalam kotak!

Reza: (1) ____ about studying English abroad?

Putri: Personally, (2) ____. I studied English abroad two years ago in Sidney, and I really enjoyed.

Reza: Sounds good. And (3) ____ about going by yourself?

Putri: Well, I was a bit worried at first, but I made friends from all around the world. After the lessons, we used to go to the beach and in the evenings we went to the restaurants too. (4) ____ to learn English and make a lots of new friends. Well, I went in July and the atmosphere was great.

Reza: (5) ____ and try it out myself.

8 dari 10 siswa nilainya naik

dengan paket belajar pilihan

Habis dalam










D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Soal menanyakan ekspresi yang tepat untuk melengkapi dialog rumpangdengan pilihan yang tersedia dalam kotak jawaban. Berikut adalah ekspresi yang sesuai untuk mengisi setiap bagian rumpang: (1) What do you think about studying English abroad? (Apa pendapatmu tentang belajar Bahasa Inggris di luar negeri?) (2) Personally, I think it's great . (Secara pribadi, saya pikir itu bagus.) (3) And how did you feel about going by yourself? (Dan bagaimana perasaanmu pergi sendiri?) (4) I feel it's the best place to learn English and make a lots of new friends . (Saya rasa itu adalah tempat terbaik untuk mempelajari Bahasa Inggris dan mencari banyak teman baru.) (5) I believe it's time to go and try it out myself. (Saya percaya sudah waktunya untuk pergi dan mencobanya sendiri.) Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk dialog rumpang tersebut adalah: (1) a. What do you think (2) c. I think it's great (3) e. How did you feel (4) g. I feel it's the best place (5) h. I believe it's time to go.

Soal menanyakan ekspresi yang tepat untuk melengkapi dialog rumpang dengan pilihan yang tersedia dalam kotak jawaban.

Berikut adalah ekspresi yang sesuai untuk mengisi setiap bagian rumpang:

(1) What do you think about studying English abroad? (Apa pendapatmu tentang belajar Bahasa Inggris di luar negeri?)

(2) Personally, I think it's great(Secara pribadi, saya pikir itu bagus.)

(3) And how did you feel about going by yourself? (Dan bagaimana perasaanmu pergi sendiri?)

(4) I feel it's the best place to learn English and make a lots of new friends. (Saya rasa itu adalah tempat terbaik untuk mempelajari Bahasa Inggris dan mencari banyak teman baru.)

(5) I believe it's time to go and try it out myself. (Saya percaya sudah waktunya untuk pergi dan mencobanya sendiri.)

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk dialog rumpang tersebut adalah:

(1) a. What do you think

(2) c. I think it's great

(3) e. How did you feel 

(4) g. I feel it's the best place 

(5) h. I believe it's time to go.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!



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Complete the dialogue below. Reza: Hi, Dewi. Dewi: Hello, Reza. What's up? Reza: Will you come to Andi and Ratna's (1) ____? Dewi: Probably. Why? Reza: (2) ____ about the gift for the...



Jawaban terverifikasi


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