


Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman was an American journalist at the turn of the century who wrote for the newspaper New York World under the pen name Nellie Bly, a name which was taken from the Stephen Foster song Nelly Bly. She achieved fame for her exposes and in particular for the bold and adventure some way that she obtained her stories. She felt that the best way to get the real story was from the inside rather than as an outside observer who could be treated to a prettified version of reality. On one occasion she pretended to be a thief so that she would get arrested and see for herself how female prisoners were really treated. On another occasion she faked mental illness in order to be admitted to a mental hospital to get the real picture on the treatment of mental patients. The text focuses on….

   Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman was an American journalist at the turn of the century who wrote for the newspaper New York World under the pen name Nellie Bly, a name which was taken from the Stephen Foster song Nelly Bly. She achieved fame for her exposes and in particular for the bold and adventure some way that she obtained her stories.

   She felt that the best way to get the real story was from the inside rather than as an outside observer who could be treated to a prettified version of reality. On one occasion she pretended to be a thief so that she would get arrested and see for herself how female prisoners were really treated. On another occasion she faked mental illness in order to be admitted to a mental hospital to get the real

picture on the treatment of mental patients.




The text focuses on….

  1. Nelly Bly’s journey of life.

  2. Nelly Bly’s early career in newspaper New York.

  3. Nelly Bly’s bold ways of getting good stories.

  4. reality show starred by a famous journalist.

  5. good stories written by Nelly Bly.


N. Supriyaningsih

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


teks tersebut adalah mengenai C. cara-cara berani Nelly Bly untuk mendapatkan cerita bagus.

teks tersebut adalah mengenai C. cara-cara berani Nelly Bly untuk mendapatkan cerita bagus.



Paragraf pertama memperkenalkan seorang jurnalis bernama Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman yang terkenal dengan nama pena Nelly Bly . Nelly ini terkenal dengan caranya yang berani dan penuh petualangan untuk mendapatkan cerita bagus. Lalu di paragraf kedua dijelaskan apa saja yang dilakukan oleh Nelly Bly untuk mendapatkan cerita bagus yang nantinya akan dia tulis. Misalnya, dia pernah berpura-pura jadi pencuri supaya ditangkap dan masuk penjara. Dengan begitu, dia akan melihat secara langsung bagaimana tahanan wanita diperlakukan di penjara.” Jadi, teks tersebut adalah mengenai C. cara-cara berani Nelly Bly untuk mendapatkan cerita bagus.

Paragraf pertama memperkenalkan seorang jurnalis bernama Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman yang terkenal dengan nama pena Nelly Bly. Nelly ini terkenal dengan caranya yang berani dan penuh petualangan untuk mendapatkan cerita bagus. Lalu di paragraf kedua dijelaskan apa saja yang dilakukan oleh Nelly Bly untuk mendapatkan cerita bagus yang nantinya akan dia tulis. Misalnya, dia pernah berpura-pura jadi pencuri supaya ditangkap dan masuk penjara. Dengan begitu, dia akan melihat secara langsung bagaimana tahanan wanita diperlakukan di penjara.” Jadi, teks tersebut adalah mengenai C. cara-cara berani Nelly Bly untuk mendapatkan cerita bagus.

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