


Diketahui: , , dan . Tentukan perubahan entalpi pada proses peruraian CaCO 3 ​ dengan reaksi: CaCO 3 ​ ( s ) → CaO ( s ) + CO 2 ​ ( g )

Diketahui:begin mathsize 14px style italic increment H italic degree subscript italic f italic space end subscript space Ca C O subscript 3 open parentheses italic s close parentheses space equals space minus sign 1.207 space kJ space mol to the power of negative sign 1 end exponent end style, begin mathsize 14px style italic increment H italic degree subscript italic f italic space end subscript space Ca O open parentheses italic s close parentheses space equals space minus sign 635 comma 5 space kJ space mol to the power of negative sign 1 end exponent end style, dan begin mathsize 14px style italic increment H italic degree subscript italic f italic space end subscript space C O subscript 2 open parentheses italic g close parentheses space equals space minus sign 394 space kJ space mol to the power of negative sign 1 end exponent end style. Tentukan perubahan entalpi pada proses peruraian  dengan reaksi:


Y. Rochmawatie

Master Teacher

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Diketahui: Ditanya: reaksi peruraian ? Penentuan berdasarkan data perubahan entalpi pembentukan standar ( ): Jadi, nilai perubahan entalpi untuk reaksi peruraian adalah


begin mathsize 14px style increment H degree subscript f space Ca C O subscript 3 open parentheses italic s close parentheses equals minus sign 1.207 space kJ space mol to the power of negative sign 1 end exponent increment H degree subscript f space Ca O open parentheses italic s close parentheses space space space space equals minus sign 635 comma 5 space kJ space mol to the power of negative sign 1 end exponent increment H degree subscript f space C O subscript 2 open parentheses italic g close parentheses space space space space equals minus sign 394 space kJ space mol to the power of negative sign 1 end exponent end style

Ditanya: begin mathsize 14px style increment H end style reaksi peruraian begin mathsize 14px style Ca C O subscript 3 end style?

Penentuan undefined berdasarkan data perubahan entalpi pembentukan standar (begin mathsize 14px style increment H degree subscript f end style):
begin mathsize 14px style increment H equals left curly bracket left parenthesis increment H degree subscript f space Ca O right parenthesis plus left parenthesis increment H degree subscript f space C O subscript 2 right parenthesis right curly bracket minus sign left curly bracket increment H degree subscript f space Ca C O subscript 3 right curly bracket increment H equals left curly bracket left parenthesis minus sign 635 comma 5 space kJ space mol to the power of negative sign 1 end exponent right parenthesis plus left parenthesis minus sign 394 space kJ space mol to the power of negative sign 1 end exponent right parenthesis right curly bracket minus sign left curly bracket minus sign 1.207 space kJ space mol to the power of negative sign 1 end exponent right curly bracket increment H equals minus sign 1.029 comma 5 space kJ space mol to the power of negative sign 1 end exponent plus 1.207 space kJ space mol to the power of negative sign 1 end exponent increment H equals plus 177 comma 5 space kJ space mol to the power of negative sign 1 end exponent end style 

Jadi, nilai perubahan entalpi untuk reaksi peruraian begin mathsize 14px style Ca C O subscript bold 3 end style adalah begin mathsize 14px style bold plus bold 177 bold comma bold 5 bold space bold kJ bold space bold mol to the power of bold minus sign bold 1 end exponent end style


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