Kalimat "Describe habitat, food activities, and characteristics of rabbits!" berarti "Jelaskan habitat, aktivitas makan, dan ciri-ciri kelinci!".
Tulisan yang dapat mendeskripsikan hal itu semua adalah jenis teks Report. Report text adalah teks yang menginformasikan fakta secara umum mengenai sesuatu kepada pembaca, misalnya jika pada hewan dapat mendeskripsikan ciri fisik, makanan, habitat, hingga bagaimana cara mereka menangkap mangsanya. Berikut salah satu contoh paragraf tersebut:
Rabbits are mammals, the female rabbits give birth. Each time they give birth to four or five babies, they will make a hole in the ground. Then, it would be a home for them, so that other animals don’t eat the babies. (habitat) Besides giving birth and raising the baby, rabbits also dig burrows into the ground to hide food. Rabbits are herbivores that their main food is grass, but they also eat nuts and fruits or vegetables. (food activities)
Rabbits have long, soft, and colorful fur. It keeps them warm. They also have long ears, which can be more than 10 cm long. The rabbits have four legs. They have large, powerful hind legs. And, they also have a short tail. (characteristics of rabbits)
Jadi, salah satu contoh jawaban yang benar adalah seperti penjelasan di atas.