


Complete the text below with the correct words in the box. Then read the text loudly. Andy's Classroom This is Andy's classroom. It is very big. There are twenty ____ (1) andforty students; twenty girls and twenty ____ (2) .The teacher's ____ (3) is in front of the classroom. The teachersits on the ____ (4) behind the table. Behind him is the blackboard. It is the first ____ (5). The students of 7G have an ____ (6) class. The teacher asks the captain of the class, Andy, to lead the ____ (7) to begin the meeting. Andy commands: Attention.; Stand up.; Get set.; Let's pray. Begin.; Finish.; Sit down, please. After the students are ready to study, the ____ (8) teaches them about the names of the things in the classroom.

Complete the text below with the correct words in the box. Then read the text loudly.

Andy's Classroom

    This is Andy's classroom. It is very big. There are twenty ____ (1) and forty students; twenty girls and twenty ____ (2). The teacher's ____ (3) is in front of the classroom. The teacher sits on the ____ (4) behind the table. Behind him is the blackboard.

    It is the first ____ (5). The students of 7G have an ____ (6) class. The teacher asks the captain of the class, Andy, to lead the ____ (7) to begin the meeting.

    Andy commands: Attention.; Stand up.; Get set.; Let's pray. Begin.; Finish.; Sit down, please.

    After the students are ready to study, the ____ (8) teaches them about the names of the things in the classroom.


D. Yaniar

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah g. teacher.

jawaban yang tepat adalah g. teacher.



Lengkapilah bagian rumpang dengan kata-kata yang telah disediakan di dalam kotak. Sekarang kita akan membahas bagian rumpang nomor 8. Teks di atas mendeskripsikan ruang kelas Andi serta menjelaskan tentang keadaan di dalamnya. Arti dari kalimat "... the ____ (8) teaches them about the names of the things in the classroom. " adalah "... ___ mengajari mereka tentang nama-nama dari benda-benda yang ada di ruang kelas." Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapinya adalah " guru( teacher ) ". Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah g. teacher.

Lengkapilah bagian rumpang dengan kata-kata yang telah disediakan di dalam kotak. Sekarang kita akan membahas bagian rumpang nomor 8.

Teks di atas mendeskripsikan ruang kelas Andi serta menjelaskan tentang keadaan di dalamnya. Arti dari kalimat "... the ____ (8) teaches them about the names of the things in the classroom." adalah "... ___ mengajari mereka tentang nama-nama dari benda-benda yang ada di ruang kelas."

Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapinya adalah "guru (teacher)".

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah g. teacher.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!


Alifia Esti

Jawaban tidak sesuai



Pertanyaan serupa

The text is written ____.



Jawaban terverifikasi


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