


Read the following text and answer the question!

    My favorite place has always been my home. This is the place where I spend most of my time and never get exhausted. My home is my favorite place because it provides me safety and warmth. It is a small villa with a big gate at the entrance. The walls of my house and fences are painted in white color but it is very colorful inside. On the left of my house is a small garden covered with luscious green grass. There are 2 swings in the garden too. There are 4 rooms in my home along with a living room, a kitchen and bathrooms. The first part of my home is the living room. There is a sofa, a dining table and a TV in that room. This is the room in which all the members of the family gather and spend quality moments together. The master bedroom belongs to my parents. This is obviously the biggest the most spacious and the most beautiful room of the house. Next to the master bedroom is the kitchen followed by the guest's room. In front of the guest's room is my brother's room. This is the most untidy part of the house with clothes, books and video games thrown all over the room. Next to my brother's room is my room This is the cutest room in the house. Three of the walls of this room is painted in off-white color and one wall is painted in pink. My room provides me with lot of freedom, love and sense of responsibility. To conclude, my home is my favorite place on earth because it holds my family together, protects us and keeps all of us close to each other.

The writer describes her house to show ____.

The writer describes her house to show ____.

  1. how beautiful her house is

  2. her feeling of her house

  3. the activities she can do in her house

  4. the function of each room in her house


D. Yaniar

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah B. her feeling of her house.

 jawaban yang tepat adalah B. her feeling of her house.



Penulis mendeskripsikan rumahnya untuk menunjukkan ____. Jawabannya dapat kita temukan pada kalimat di awal paragraf yaitu " My favorite place has always been my home. This is the place where I spend most of my time and never get exhausted . My home is my favorite place because it provides me safety and warmth . " Penulis medeskripsikan rumahnya sebagai tempat di mana dia menghabiskansebagian besar waktunya dan dia tidak pernah merasa lelah. Rumahnya adalah tempat favoritnya karena dapat memberinya keamanan dan kehangatan. Dengan demikian, penulis mendeskripsikan rumahnya untuk menunjukkanperasaannya tentang rumahnya. Jadi,jawaban yang tepat adalah B. her feeling of her house.

Penulis mendeskripsikan rumahnya untuk menunjukkan ____.

Jawabannya dapat kita temukan pada kalimat di awal paragraf yaitu "My favorite place has always been my home. This is the place where I spend most of my time and never get exhausted. My home is my favorite place because it provides me safety and warmth."

Penulis medeskripsikan rumahnya sebagai tempat di mana dia menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya dan dia tidak pernah merasa lelah. Rumahnya adalah tempat favoritnya karena dapat memberinya keamanan dan kehangatan.

Dengan demikian, penulis mendeskripsikan rumahnya untuk menunjukkan perasaannya tentang rumahnya.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B. her feeling of her house.

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Pertanyaan serupa

The text is written ____.



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Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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