


Completethe statementbased on the dialog. Viko : I've applied for (1) ____ to several companies, but there is no response. Farah : What position do you apply? Viko : HR (2) ____. I start thinking that maybe there is something wrong with my application letter or resume. Farah : May I see your resume? Viko : Sure. Wait a minute. Here is my resume. Farah : Actually, your resume is interesting, but not too (3) ____. It is wordy. Viko : What should I do? I want to make my resume interesting and (4) ____. Should I hire a resume writer? Farah : You don't need to. I can help you (5) ____ your resume, if you like. Viko : I'd love to. Thanks, but .... Farah : What? Do you (6) ____ me? Actually, I am a resume writer. Viko : You are? Farah : Yes. Let me show you this. These people are my (7) ____. Viko : Amazing! You've made 200 (8) ____ and all of them give you four to five (9) ____. Farah : Thank you. Viko : O.K., if you don't mind helping me, I'll be (10) ____. Farah : Sure. Viko's resume is interesting, but it's not ____.

Complete the statement based on the dialog.

Viko : I've applied for (1) ____ to several companies, but there is no response.

Farah : What position do you apply?

Viko : HR (2) ____. I start thinking that maybe there is something wrong with my application letter or resume.

Farah : May I see your resume?

Viko : Sure. Wait a minute. Here is my resume.

Farah : Actually, your resume is interesting, but not too (3) ____. It is wordy.

Viko : What should I do? I want to make my resume interesting and (4) ____. Should I hire a resume writer?

Farah : You don't need to. I can help you (5) ____ your resume, if you like.

Viko : I'd love to. Thanks, but ....

Farah : What? Do you (6) ____ me? Actually, I am a resume writer.

Viko : You are?

Farah : Yes. Let me show you this. These people are my (7) ____.

Viko : Amazing! You've made 200 (8) ____ and all of them give you four to five (9) ____.

Farah : Thank you.

Viko : O.K., if you don't mind helping me, I'll be (10) ____.

Farah : Sure.

Viko's resume is interesting, but it's not ____.space 

  1. ...undefined 

  2. ...



Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Jawaban terverifikasi


Viko’s resume is interesting, but it’s not clear.

Viko’s resume is interesting, but it’s not clear.undefined



Pada kalimat rumpang nomor (3) dialog di atas, Farah mengatakan bahwa resume milik Viko menarik, namun tidak jelas. Therefore, Viko’s resume is interesting, but it’s not clear.

Pada kalimat rumpang nomor (3) dialog di atas, Farah mengatakan bahwa resume milik Viko menarik, namun tidak jelas.

Therefore, Viko’s resume is interesting, but it’s not clear.undefined

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