


Complete the statement based on the dialog. Randy: What do you think of this caption? Cindy: I think, it is a good caption. Randy: May I know why? Cindy: Because it motivates us to try our best to achieve our goals and dreams. Randy: I agree. This motivation caption encourages us to try and try, in order to make our goals and dreams come true. Cindy: Do you think we can make those come true? Randy: Of course, though there are many obstacles in our ways to achieve them, I'm sure we can overcome the obstacles. Cindy: Why? Randy: Because we have the patience, strength, and passion to achieve them. Cindy: I see. So, when we have all ofthe factors, we only need to take actions. Randy: That's right. In conclusion, to achieve our goals, we need to have ____.

Complete the statement based on the dialog.

Randy: What do you think of this caption?

Cindy: I think, it is a good caption.

Randy: May I know why?

Cindy: Because it motivates us to try our best to achieve our goals and dreams.

Randy: I agree. This motivation caption encourages us to try and try, in order to make our goals and dreams come true.

Cindy: Do you think we can make those come true?

Randy: Of course, though there are many obstacles in our ways to achieve them, I'm sure we can overcome the obstacles.

Cindy: Why?

Randy: Because we have the patience, strength, and passion to achieve them.

Cindy: I see. So, when we have all ofthe factors, we only need to take actions.

Randy: That's right.

In conclusion, to achieve our goals, we need to have ____. 

  1. ...undefined 

  2. ...undefined 


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi




Kutipan tersebut berbunyi “Anda memiliki kesabaran, kekuatan, dan semangat untuk mencapai ambisi, tujuan, dan impian Anda. Yang perlu anda lakukan hanyalah MENCOBA.” Selain itu berdasarkan dialog di atas,kita perlu memiliki kesabaran, kekuatan, dan semangat untuk meraih mimpi kita, serta keberanian untuk mengambil tindakan yang nyata dan mencoba. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah: In conclusion, to achieve our goals, we need to have the patience, the strength, the passion, and take actions to try.

Kutipan tersebut berbunyi “Anda memiliki kesabaran, kekuatan, dan semangat untuk mencapai ambisi, tujuan, dan impian Anda. Yang perlu anda lakukan hanyalah MENCOBA.” Selain itu berdasarkan dialog di atas, kita perlu memiliki kesabaran, kekuatan, dan semangat untuk meraih mimpi kita, serta keberanian untuk mengambil tindakan yang nyata dan mencoba. 

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah: In conclusion, to achieve our goals, we need to have the patience, the strength, the passion, and take actions to try. 

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