


The Story of Roro Jonggrang

    Bandung Bondowoso loved Roro Jonggrang. Unfortunately, she refused to marry him unless he could build thousand temples in one night.

    With the help of thousand of spirits, he was able to erect the temples. Before the sunrise, he almost finished his work.

    Knowing about it, Loro Jonggrang asked all girls to wake up and pound rice.

    All the spirits ran away because they were frightened by the sound and thought that the sun had rised already.

    Because of their running away, there was only one more temple which was not completed by Bandung Bondowoso.

    He was maddened by Loro Jonggrang's deceit and turned her to be a temple to complete a thousand temple. 

Complete the sentences based on the text above. Thousand of spirits

Complete the sentences based on the text above.

Thousand of spirits                             


D. Enty

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


kalimat lengkapnya adalah "Thousand of spirits helped Bandung Bondowoso to erect the temples."

kalimat lengkapnya adalah "Thousand of spirits helped Bandung Bondowoso to erect the temples."




Jawaban untuk soal di atas bisa ditemukan pada kalimat pertama dari paragraf kedua yaitu "With the help of thousand of spirits, he was able to erect the temples." Dari kalimat tersebut, dapat diketahui bahwa Bandung Bondowoso bisa membangun candi-candi dengan bantuan dari seribu jin. Jadi, kalimat lengkapnya adalah "Thousand of spirits helped Bandung Bondowoso to erect the temples."

Jawaban untuk soal di atas bisa ditemukan pada kalimat pertama dari paragraf kedua yaitu "With the help of thousand of spirits, he was able to erect the temples."

Dari kalimat tersebut, dapat diketahui bahwa Bandung Bondowoso bisa membangun candi-candi dengan bantuan dari seribu jin.

Jadi, kalimat lengkapnya adalah "Thousand of spirits helped Bandung Bondowoso to erect the temples."

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