

Complete the dialog below with correct expressions of asking for and giving opinions. Then, compare it with your friends' dialog. Jane: I'm thinking of buying a new house, but I can't decide where. Should I live in the city or in the country? Kate: ___, you should buy an apartment in the city. Life in the city is more fun and more convenient. Jane: Yeah, I know, but ___ life in the country is healthier.

Complete the dialog below with correct expressions of asking for and giving opinions. Then, compare it with your friends' dialog.

Jane: I'm thinking of buying a new house, but I can't decide where. Should I live in the city or in the country?

Kate: ___, you should buy an apartment in the city. Life in the city is more fun and more convenient.

Jane: Yeah, I know, but ___ life in the country is healthier.

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D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban untuk soal ini adalah " I think it's nice to live in the city" dan " I think ".

jawaban untuk soal ini adalah "I think it's nice to live in the city" dan "I think".



Soal meminta untuk mengisi kalimat rumpang dengan " expressions of asking for and giving opinions" atau "ekspresi meminta dan memberi pendapat". Berikut adalah beberapa ekspresi yang bisa digunakan: Dialog cenderung bersifat informal. Contoh jawaban: Jane: I'm thinking of buying a new house, but I can't decide where. Should I live in the city or in the country? (Aku berfikir ingin membeli rumah baru, tapi aku tidak bisa menentukan dimana. Haruskah aku tinggal di kota atau di desa?) Kate: I think it's nice to live in the city , you should buy an apartment in the city. Life in the city is more fun and more convenient. (Menurutku bagus juga tinggal di kota, kamu harus beli sebuah apartmen di kota. Kehidupan di kota lebih menyenangkan dan lebih nyaman) Jane: Yeah, I know, but I think life in the country is healthier. (Iya aku tau tapi menurutku kehidupan di desa lebih sehat) Jadi, jawaban untuk soal ini adalah " I think it's nice to live in the city" dan " I think ".

Soal meminta untuk mengisi kalimat rumpang dengan "expressions of asking for and giving opinions" atau "ekspresi meminta dan memberi pendapat". Berikut adalah beberapa ekspresi yang bisa digunakan:

Dialog cenderung bersifat informal. Contoh jawaban:

Jane: I'm thinking of buying a new house, but I can't decide where. Should I live in the city or in the country? (Aku berfikir ingin membeli rumah baru, tapi aku tidak bisa menentukan dimana. Haruskah aku tinggal di kota atau di desa?)

Kate: I think it's nice to live in the city, you should buy an apartment in the city. Life in the city is more fun and more convenient. (Menurutku bagus juga tinggal di kota, kamu harus beli sebuah apartmen di kota. Kehidupan di kota lebih menyenangkan dan lebih nyaman)

Jane: Yeah, I know, but I think life in the country is healthier. (Iya aku tau tapi menurutku kehidupan di desa lebih sehat)

Jadi, jawaban untuk soal ini adalah "I think it's nice to live in the city" dan "I think".

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Pertanyaan serupa

Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in activity 15. Dialog 2 What will they do after reading the announcement?



Jawaban terverifikasi


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