


Girl: It's very cold. Poke the fire for a change, please!

Boy: Okay. It's a cold and wet day. Do you realize how much coal must be burned to warm the country in winter?

Girl: It must be a lot.

Boy: It definitely is. Not long ago, people mostly made fires using wood. It is perhaps the most common fuel all over the world. These days, most people don't use wood for fires anymore.

Girl: Could it be because we don't have much wood anymore, due to deforestation? Boy I think so, but it's also because more practical resources have been found.

Girl: Practical? How?

Boy: Well, first of all, it's hard to find wood these days. It's also impractical because it's hard to carry around. It also takes time to light a fire using wood.

Girl: What about kerosene and LPG?

Boy: Although kerosene is still widely used all around the world, the majority of people may have turned to LPG. I think using LPG is much more practical, because it lasts longer, you can control the fire better, and it's easier to light. These days, there are small, portable gas stoves that you can carry around, for example during camping like this. Using a kerosene stove when camping would be much harder.  

Check your comprehension by answering the following questions. Underline all statements that express cause and effect.

Check your comprehension by answering the following questions.

Underline all statements that express cause and effect. 


D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi




"Cause" merupakan hal yang menjadi penyebab terjadinya sesuatu, sedangkan "effect" adalah sesuatu yang merupakan akhir , akibat , atau hasil suatu peristiwa. "Effect" terjadi karena adanya "cause" . Untuk mengetahui "cause dan effect" , temukan signal words seperti so, therefore,thus, dan hence untuk menyatakan akibat (effect) dan because, due to, since, dan for yang diartikan "karena" untuk menyatakan sebab (cause) . Jadi, beberapa pernyataan yang mengekspresikan "cause and effect" adalah: 1. We don't have much wood anymore, due to deforestation 2.These days, most people don't use wood for fires anymore because more practical resources have been found.

"Cause" merupakan hal yang menjadi penyebab terjadinya sesuatu, sedangkan "effect" adalah sesuatu yang merupakan akhir, akibat, atau hasil suatu peristiwa.

"Effect" terjadi karena adanya "cause". Untuk mengetahui "cause dan effect", temukan signal words seperti so, therefore,thus, dan hence untuk menyatakan akibat (effect) dan because, due to, since, dan for yang diartikan "karena" untuk menyatakan sebab (cause).

Jadi, beberapa pernyataan yang mengekspresikan "cause and effect" adalah:

1. We don't have much wood anymore, due to deforestation 

2. These days, most people don't use wood for fires anymore because more practical resources have been found.

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