


BRITAIN: They have a show. They have a social networking. Now comes, Wikileaks the album. Wikileaks is branching out into the entertainment industry, announcing "Beat the Blockade" CD intended to raise money to keep the online transparency advocates afloat. The group said in a statement late Thursday that the CD would feature 12 songs including "Where There Are No Secret," "The Ballad of Julian Assange," and "B spawned a TV show called "The World Tomorrow" and started its own social network. Manning". It's the latest attack outside the secret-busting business for Wikileaks, which has called Friends of Wikileaks. Wikileaks chief Julian Assange says his website, which once featured an anonymous electronic drop box for secret document, has been effectively mothballed by US financial blockade. AP What is the text about?

BRITAIN: They have a show. They have a social networking. Now comes, Wikileaks the album. Wikileaks is branching out into the entertainment industry, announcing "Beat the Blockade" CD intended to raise money to keep the online transparency advocates afloat.

The group said in a statement late Thursday that the CD would feature 12 songs including "Where There Are No Secret," "The Ballad of Julian Assange," and "B spawned a TV show called "The World Tomorrow" and started its own social network. Manning". It's the latest attack outside the secret-busting business for Wikileaks, which has called Friends of Wikileaks.

Wikileaks chief Julian Assange says his website, which once featured an anonymous electronic drop box for secret document, has been effectively mothballed by US financial blockade. AP


What is the text about?

  1. A website name Wikileaks.

  2. ATV show called "The World Tomorrow".

  3. Wikileaks' CD entitled "Beat the Blockade".

  4. Wikileaks' anonymous electronic drop box.

  5. The secret-busting business for Wikileaks.


Y. Yuli.Widya

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Berdasarkan informasi yang didapatkan dari keseluruhan paragraf, dapat diketahui bahwa Wikileaks mengeluarkan CD album lagu untuk penggalangan dana terkait dukungan adanya transparansi data dan fakta sehingga pilihan jawaban (C) adalah yang paling tepat.

Berdasarkan informasi yang didapatkan dari keseluruhan paragraf, dapat diketahui bahwa Wikileaks mengeluarkan CD album lagu untuk penggalangan dana terkait dukungan adanya transparansi data dan fakta sehingga pilihan jawaban (C) adalah yang paling tepat.

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