


Arya's Hobby

    Arya likes table tennis. He joins in the table tennis club at school. He is a good player. He is a good player. He exercises table tennis every day. He exercises it after his last class. His last class is Math class.

    After Math class, he goes to the stadium. Then, he bring a table tennis racket. In the stadium, he meet with the instructor. Then, the instructor asks him to compete with his friend, Rudi. The instructor gives a table tennis ball to be played. The ball has to pass a net that has provided. The match befals for an hour. Finally, Arya becomes the winner.

Based on the text above, answer the following questions. (Berdasarkan bacaan di atas, jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini.) 3. When does Arya go to the stadium?

Based on the text above, answer the following questions. 

(Berdasarkan bacaan di atas, jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini.)

3. When does Arya go to the stadium?


D. Putri

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawabannya adalah " Arya goes to the stadium after math class. "

jawabannya adalah "Arya goes to the stadium after math class."



Terjemahan soal yaitu, "Kapan Arya pergi ke stadion?". Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada kalimat, " After Math class, he goes to the stadium. " (Paragraf 2) Arti kalimat tersebut adalah "Setelah kelas matematika, dia pergi ke stadion." Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dapat diketahui bahwa Arya pergi ke stadion setelah kelas matematika. Jadi, jawabannya adalah " Arya goes to the stadium after math class. "

Terjemahan soal yaitu, "Kapan Arya pergi ke stadion?".

Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada kalimat, "After Math class, he goes to the stadium." (Paragraf 2)

Arti kalimat tersebut adalah "Setelah kelas matematika, dia pergi ke stadion."

Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dapat diketahui bahwa Arya pergi ke stadion setelah kelas matematika.

Jadi, jawabannya adalah "Arya goes to the stadium after math class."

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Pertanyaan serupa

Based on the text above, answer the following questions. (Berdasarkan bacaan di atas, jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini.) 1. What isthe title of the text above?



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