
Australia has another kind of animal besides kangaroo, that is wombat. While kangaroo and wombat are physically dissimilar, they both share the common marsupial feature of having a pouch. The pouch of a wombat is, perhaps strangely, backward facing. This is of evolutionary benefit to the wombat's natural behavior though, as wombats use their rodent like front teeth and powerful claws to burrow, and their backwards pouches prevent their offspring from getting covered in dirt. Though these stubby creatures may appear cute, they commonly become increasingly aggressive as they reach adulthood. The wombat is, however, still cuddly enough to have its own day, which is celebrated every October 22. What is the similarity between kangaroo and wombat?

Australia has another kind of animal besides kangaroo, that is wombat. While kangaroo and wombat are physically dissimilar, they both share the common marsupial feature of having a pouch. The pouch of a wombat is, perhaps strangely, backward facing.

This is of evolutionary benefit to the wombat's natural behavior though, as wombats use their rodent like front teeth and powerful claws to burrow, and their backwards pouches prevent their offspring from getting covered in dirt. Though these stubby creatures may appear cute, they commonly become increasingly aggressive as they reach adulthood. The wombat is, however, still cuddly enough to have its own day, which is celebrated every October 22.


What is the similarity between kangaroo and wombat?

  1. They are aggressive.

  2. They have long legs.

  3. Their rodent-like front teeth.

  4. The position of their pouch

  5. They belong to marsupial animal.

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Y. Yuli.Widya

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


Berdasarkan kalimat “ They both share the common marsupial feature of having a pouch ” yang terdapat pada kalimat ke-2 di paragraf pertama, dapat diketahui bahwa kesamaan antara kangguru dan wombat adalah ciri khas dari hewan marsupial, yakni kantung di perutnya, meskipun posisi kantungnya wombat berbeda karena menghadap ke belakang ( backward facing ) sehingga pilihan jawaban (E) adalah yang paling tepat.

Berdasarkan kalimat “They both share the common marsupial feature of having a pouch” yang terdapat pada kalimat ke-2 di paragraf pertama, dapat diketahui bahwa kesamaan antara kangguru dan wombat adalah ciri khas dari hewan marsupial, yakni kantung di perutnya, meskipun posisi kantungnya wombat berbeda karena menghadap ke belakang (backward facing) sehingga pilihan jawaban (E) adalah yang paling tepat.

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