

Ari’s grandmother is a very gentle, loving, and caring person. She never raises her voice at anyone. She has lived with Ari for as long as he can remember. She takes care of him when his Mom and Dad go to work. Ari’s grandmother is a very neat and tidy person. She has very dry grey hair which she usually pulls up into a bun. She has dark brown eyes that twinkle whenever she sees him. I hardly ever see them wet. Ari’s grandmother likes to tell stories. She usually tells him brief storied of her childhood. She can act and imitate the people in the stories. Sometimes, she also tells story about Ari’s grandfather who has passed away. Ari really loves his grandmother. “She takes care of him when Mom and Dad go to work.” (paragraph 1) The underlined phrase is closest in meaning to …

                Ari’s grandmother is a very gentle, loving, and caring person. She never raises her voice at anyone. She has lived with Ari for as long as he can remember. She takes care of him when his Mom and Dad go to work.

                Ari’s grandmother is a very neat and tidy person. She has very dry grey hair which she usually pulls up into a bun. She has dark brown eyes that twinkle whenever she sees him. I hardly ever see them wet.

                Ari’s grandmother likes to tell stories. She usually tells him brief storied of her childhood. She can act and imitate the people in the stories. Sometimes, she also tells story about Ari’s grandfather who has passed away. Ari really loves his grandmother.

“She takes care of him when Mom and Dad go to work.” (paragraph 1)

The underlined phrase is closest in meaning to …

  1. Be wise

  2. Play with

  3. Give money

  4. Be responsible for

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N. Supriyaningsih

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


Berdasarkan kalimat “She takes care of him when Mom and Dad go to work.”, dapat diketahui bahwa neneknya mengurusnya ketika ayah dan ibunya pergi bekerja. Kata ‘takes care of’ memiliki arti ‘mengurus’, maka padanan kata yang tepat dengan kata tersebut terdapat pada pilihan jawaban (D) ‘be responsible for’ atau ‘bertanggung jawab atas’. Pilihan jawaban (A) ‘be wise’ atau ‘bijak’, (B) ‘play with’ atau ‘bermain dengan’, (C) ‘give money’ atau ‘memberikan uang’, bukanlah pilihan yang tepat.

Berdasarkan kalimat “She takes care of him when Mom and Dad go to work.”, dapat diketahui bahwa neneknya mengurusnya ketika ayah dan ibunya pergi bekerja. Kata ‘takes care of’ memiliki arti ‘mengurus’, maka padanan kata yang tepat dengan kata tersebut terdapat pada pilihan jawaban (D) ‘be responsible for’ atau ‘bertanggung jawab atas’. Pilihan jawaban (A) ‘be wise’ atau ‘bijak’, (B) ‘play with’ atau ‘bermain dengan’, (C) ‘give money’ atau ‘memberikan uang’, bukanlah pilihan yang tepat.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Answer the following questions briefly. What is the most dominant tense used in this text?



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