

Activity 14 Read the dialogs in turns. Write the expressions of congratulations, hopes and wishes, and praises/compliments in the table. Dialog 2 Cindy: Randy, Zaky, what are you doing here? Is the OSIS meeting over? Zaky: It was over ten minutes ago, so we are now enjoying iced tea. Cindy: So, who is our new OSIS chairperson? Randy: Who else? The one and only Zaky. Cindy: Really? Congratulations, Zaky! I knew you would be the chosenone, as you're a good person and a good leader. I wish your success in the future. Good job, buddy! Zaky: ·Thank you, Cindy. Wellthis is too early to assume I'm a good leader. I hope I won't disappoint everyone. Randy: Hey! Just lighten up. I believe you have the capability to lead the student organization. Zaky: Thank you, Randy. I promise to do my best and I hope both of you keep supporting me in the future. Cindy: As long as your programs are beneficial for us and our school,we will always support you. Am I right, Randy? Randy: Definitely!

Activity 14
Read the dialogs in turns.
Write the expressions of congratulations, hopes and wishes, and praises/compliments in the table.

Dialog 2 
Cindy: Randy, Zaky, what are you doing here? Is the OSIS meeting over?
Zaky: It was over ten minutes ago, so we are now enjoying iced tea.
Cindy: So, who is our new OSIS chairperson?
Randy: Who else? The one and only Zaky.
Cindy: Really? Congratulations, Zaky! I knew you would be the chosen one, as you're a good person and a good leader. I wish your success in the future. Good job, buddy!
Zaky: ·Thank you, Cindy. Well this is too early to assume I'm a good leader. I hope I won't disappoint everyone.
Randy: Hey! Just lighten up. I believe you have the capability to lead the student organization.
Zaky: Thank you, Randy. I promise to do my best and I hope both of you keep supporting me in the future.
Cindy: As long as your programs are beneficial for us and our school, we will always support you. Am I right, Randy?
Randy: Definitely!

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N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawabannya adalah congratulating: Congratulations, Zaky! Expressing hope/wishes:I hope I won't disappoint everyone., I hope both of you keep supporting me in the future., I wish your success in the future. Praise/Compliments: You're a good person and a good leader.

jawabannya adalah congratulating: Congratulations, Zaky! Expressing hope/wishes:I hope I won't disappoint everyone., I hope both of you keep supporting me in the future., I wish your success in the future. Praise/Compliments: You're a good person and a good leader.



Soal ini meminta untuk mencari expressions of congratulations, hopes and wishes, and praises/compliments. (Ungkapan selamat, harapan, memuji).Dalam dialog ini ditemukan expressions of congratulations, hopes and wishes dan praises/compliments . Untuk expression of congratulation biasanya menggunakan kata congratulations, sedangkan expression hopes and wishes biasanya menggunakan frasa I hope ...., I wish ..... Untuk ungkapan memuji biasanya menggunakan kata sifatdalam kalimatnya, bisa dilihat pada kalimat ini you're a good person and a good leader . (Kamu orang yang baikdan pemimpin yang baik.) Kata sifatnya adalah good. Sehingga menjadi seperti berikut ini Oleh karena itu, jawabannya adalah congratulating: Congratulations, Zaky! Expressing hope/wishes:I hope I won't disappoint everyone., I hope both of you keep supporting me in the future., I wish your success in the future. Praise/Compliments: You're a good person and a good leader.

Soal ini meminta untuk mencari expressions of congratulations, hopes and wishes, and praises/compliments. (Ungkapan selamat, harapan, memuji).  Dalam dialog ini ditemukan expressions of congratulations, hopes and wishes dan praises/compliments. Untuk expression of congratulation biasanya menggunakan kata congratulations, sedangkan expression hopes and wishes biasanya menggunakan frasa I hope ...., I wish ..... Untuk ungkapan memuji biasanya menggunakan kata sifat dalam kalimatnya, bisa dilihat pada kalimat ini you're a good person and a good leader. (Kamu orang yang baik dan pemimpin yang baik.) Kata sifatnya adalah good.

Sehingga menjadi seperti berikut ini

Oleh karena itu, jawabannya adalah congratulating: Congratulations, Zaky! Expressing hope/wishes:I hope I won't disappoint everyone., I hope both of you keep supporting me in the future., I wish your success in the future. Praise/Compliments: You're a good person and a good leader.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!



Pertanyaan serupa

Create dialogues based on the followingpictures. Use expressions of congratulations, hopes/wishes, and praisesproperly. Then, practice the dialogues.



Jawaban terverifikasi


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