


A month ago after finishing all my homework, I wanted to relax. While I was walking on the beach on a warm evening, I saw two small children playing with the sand. They found something. It was big, reddish-brown, and made of metal. When I looked at it, I knew immediately that it was an old bomb. First, I told the children to move away from the bomb. Fortunately, I had my mobile phone with me, so I called the police and told them what we had found. Fifteen minutes later, the police arrived and I explained everything to them. Then I went home again. The next day, I read in the newspaper that the police had blown up the bomb. It was highly explosive. It had been in the sand on the beach for over sixty years. It was from the Second World War, and it was very dangerous. What is the main idea of paragraph one?

                A month ago after finishing all my homework, I wanted to relax. While I was walking on the beach on a warm evening, I saw two small children playing with the sand. They found something. It was big, reddish-brown, and made of metal. When I looked at it, I knew immediately that it was an old bomb.

                First, I told the children to move away from the bomb. Fortunately, I had my mobile phone with me, so I called the police and told them what we had found. Fifteen minutes later, the police arrived and I explained everything to them. Then I went home again.

                The next day, I read in the newspaper that the police had blown up the bomb. It was highly explosive. It had been in the sand on the beach for over sixty years. It was from the Second World War, and it was very dangerous.

What is the main idea of paragraph one?

  1. The bomb was very old

  2. Two children found a bomb

  3. The bomb was made of metal

  4. The children avoided the bomb


T. Tuawapat

Master Teacher

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Berdasarkan informasi pada paragraf pertama, dapat diketahui bahwa penulis sedang berjalan-jalan di pantai pada suatu sore yang hangat, dan ia melihat dua orang anak sedang bermain pasir, mereka menemukan sesuatu yang besar, berwarna merah-kecokelatan dan terbuat dari logam, yang ternyata adalah sebuah bom tua, maka pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (B) ‘Two children found a bomb’ atau ‘Dua anak menemukan sebuah bom’

Berdasarkan informasi pada paragraf pertama, dapat diketahui bahwa penulis sedang berjalan-jalan di pantai pada suatu sore yang hangat, dan ia melihat dua orang anak sedang bermain pasir, mereka menemukan sesuatu yang besar, berwarna merah-kecokelatan dan terbuat dari logam, yang ternyata adalah sebuah bom tua, maka pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (B) ‘Two children found a bomb’ atau ‘Dua anak menemukan sebuah bom’

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