

A food staple is a food that makes up the dominant part of a population’s diet. Food staples are eaten regularly—even daily—and supply a major proportion of a person’s energy and nutritional needs. Food staples vary from place to place, depending on the food sources available. Most food staples are inexpensive, plant-based foods. They are usually full of calories for energy. Cereal grains and tubers are the most common food staples. There are more than 50,000 edible plants in the world, but just 15 of them provide 90 percent of the world’s food energy intake. Rice, corn (maize), and wheat make up two-thirds of this. Other food staples include millet and sorghum; tubers such as potatoes, cassava, yams, and taro. Food staples traditionally depend on what plants are native to a region. However, with improvements in agriculture, food storage, and transportation, some food staples are changing. For example, in the islands of the South Pacific, roots and tubers such as taro are traditional food staples. Since 1970, however, their consumption has fallen. Foods that were particular to one region are becoming popular in regions where they don’t traditionally grow. Quinoa, for instance, is a grain-like plant that is grown high in the Andes Mountains of South America. Today, quinoa is popular far outside of Latin America. Although staple foods are nutritious, they do not provide the full, healthy range of nutrients. People must add other foods to their diets to avoid malnutrition. (Adapted from: www.nationalgeographic.org. Accessed on January 20, 2020) We know from the text that…

A food staple is a food that makes up the dominant part of a population’s diet. Food staples are eaten regularly—even daily—and supply a major proportion of a person’s energy and nutritional needs. Food staples vary from place to place, depending on the food sources available. Most food staples are inexpensive, plant-based foods. They are usually full of calories for energy. Cereal grains and tubers are the most common food staples.

There are more than 50,000 edible plants in the world, but just 15 of them provide 90 percent of the world’s food energy intake. Rice, corn (maize), and wheat make up two-thirds of this. Other food staples include millet and sorghum; tubers such as potatoes, cassava, yams, and taro.

Food staples traditionally depend on what plants are native to a region. However, with improvements in agriculture, food storage, and transportation, some food staples are changing. For example, in the islands of the South Pacific, roots and tubers such as taro are traditional food staples. Since 1970, however, their consumption has fallen.

Foods that were particular to one region are becoming popular in regions where they don’t traditionally grow. Quinoa, for instance, is a grain-like plant that is grown high in the Andes Mountains of South America. Today, quinoa is popular far outside of Latin America. Although staple foods are nutritious, they do not provide the full, healthy range of nutrients. People must add other foods to their diets to avoid malnutrition.

(Adapted from: www.nationalgeographic.org. Accessed on January 20, 2020)

We know from the text that…

  1. cereal grains and tubers are full of calories for energy.

  2. food source availability seems to have no relation with a staple people have in an area.

  3. people in the islands of South Pacific no longer consume taro.

  4. people don’t need other food but staple.

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S. Sumiati

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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pernyataan D salah. Di paragraf pertama dijelaskan “They are usually full of calories for energy. Cereal grains and tubers are the most common food staples.” artinya “Makanan pokok biasanya penuh kalori sebagai sumber energi. Biji sereal dan umbi-umbian adalah makanan pokok yang paling umum.” Jadi, pernyataan yang benar adalah A. Biji sereal dan umbi-umbian penuh kalori sebagai sumber energi.

pernyataan D salah. Di paragraf pertama dijelaskan “They are usually full of calories for energy. Cereal grains and tubers are the most common food staples.” artinya “Makanan pokok biasanya penuh kalori sebagai sumber energi. Biji sereal dan umbi-umbian adalah makanan pokok yang paling umum.” Jadi, pernyataan yang benar adalah A. Biji sereal dan umbi-umbian penuh kalori sebagai sumber energi.


Pernyataan B salah karena pada paragraf pertama dikatakan “Food staples vary from place to place, depending on the food sources available.” artinya “Makanan pokok berbeda dari satu tempat ke tempat lain, tergantung ketersediaan sumber makanan.” Pada paragraf ketiga dijelaskan “For example, in the islands of the South Pacific, roots and tubers such as taro are traditional food staples. Since 1970, however, their consumption has fallen.” artinya “Contohnya, di kepulauan Pasifik Selatan, umbi-umbian seperti taro adalah makanan pokok tradisional. Akan tetapi, sejak 1970, konsumsi umbi-umbian berkurang.” Berkurang bukan berarti orang-orang di sana tidak mengkonsumsinya lagi. Pernyataan C salah. Pada kalimat terakhir dijelaskan “ People must add other foods to their diets to avoid malnutrition.” artinya “Orang-orang harus menambahkan jenis makanan lain ke dalam menu makanan mereka untuk menghindari kekurangan nutrisi.” Jadi, pernyataan D salah. Di paragraf pertama dijelaskan “They are usually full of calories for energy. Cereal grains and tubers are the most common food staples.” artinya “Makanan pokok biasanya penuh kalori sebagai sumber energi. Biji sereal dan umbi-umbian adalah makanan pokok yang paling umum.” Jadi, pernyataan yang benar adalah A. Biji sereal dan umbi-umbian penuh kalori sebagai sumber energi.

Pernyataan B salah karena pada paragraf pertama dikatakan “Food staples vary from place to place, depending on the food sources available.” artinya “Makanan pokok berbeda dari satu tempat ke tempat lain, tergantung ketersediaan sumber makanan.” Pada paragraf ketiga dijelaskan “For example, in the islands of the South Pacific, roots and tubers such as taro are traditional food staples. Since 1970, however, their consumption has fallen.” artinya “Contohnya, di kepulauan Pasifik Selatan, umbi-umbian seperti taro adalah makanan pokok tradisional. Akan tetapi, sejak 1970, konsumsi umbi-umbian berkurang.” Berkurang bukan berarti orang-orang di sana tidak mengkonsumsinya lagi. Pernyataan C salah. Pada kalimat terakhir dijelaskan  “People must add other foods to their diets to avoid malnutrition.” artinya “Orang-orang harus menambahkan jenis makanan lain ke dalam menu makanan mereka untuk menghindari kekurangan nutrisi.” Jadi, pernyataan D salah. Di paragraf pertama dijelaskan “They are usually full of calories for energy. Cereal grains and tubers are the most common food staples.” artinya “Makanan pokok biasanya penuh kalori sebagai sumber energi. Biji sereal dan umbi-umbian adalah makanan pokok yang paling umum.” Jadi, pernyataan yang benar adalah A. Biji sereal dan umbi-umbian penuh kalori sebagai sumber energi.

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