


    Anyone can understand the confusion ancient traders experienced trying to market their goods without a common standard of measurement. Imagine trying to sell grain in Egypt by the basket without having any comparison to make as to the basket's weight or volume. Such were the problems in early times when weight had to be guessed or measured against a standard of the weight of stones, seashells, seeds, or grain.

    Problems also existed in terms o f measurement of lengths. One of the earliest linear measurements was the foot which first took its standard from the length of a human foot and later used the length of a king's foot as the standard. Archaeologists have traced people's attempts to grapple with standard units of measurement from the ancient Egyptians' attempts to reset precise property lines after flooding of the Nile River to biblical times when a cubit was the standard unit of length. The cubit took its standard from the distance between the end of the elbow to the end of the middle finger -- usually about 18 inches. The Romans defined the inch as the width of the thumb, and the mile as 311,000 paces. The problems involved in using such measurements are obvious. Imagine trying to set new, more accurate standards among people who hung on tenaciously to existing standards.

    When the Romans conquered ancient Britain, they brought their standards of measurement along and imposed them on the people. Consequently, some of these standards have survived to the 20th century. The British Imperial System of weights and measures evolved from many sources and became fairly well standardized by the 19th century. The standard yard and pound were kept in the Houses of Parliament. However, when the Parliament building burned in 1834, the standards were destroyed. British scientists then began to press for a more uniform standard for the gallon, the pound, and the yard which could be used in the entire British Empire. This made trading, buying, and selling much more uniform.

60. The tone of this passage can be described as ____.

60. The tone of this passage can be described as ____.

  1. angry

  2. confused

  3. subjective

  4. informative

  5. ironic

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D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah D. informative .

jawaban yang benar adalah D. informative.



Soal ini memiliki jawaban D. informative . Soal tersebut menanyakan tone pada teks. Tone adalah rasa yang muncul dalam pikiran pembaca saat membaca suatu teks. Tone pada teks dapat ditentukan dari melihat pilihan kata dalam kalimat yang ditulis oleh penulis. Pada teks yang tertera, terdapat 3 paragraf. Paragraf 1 membahas tidak adanya standar ukur yang umum di zaman dulu. Paragraf 2 membahas masalah dalam pengukuran panjang di zaman dulu. Paragraf 3 membahas standar ukur di Imperium Britania. Kalimat " such were the problems in early times when weight had to be guessed or measured against a standard of the weight of stones, seashells, seeds, or grain" di paragraf 1 memiliki arti "zaman dulu, berat harus ditebak atau diukur dengan berat batu, kerang laut, bibit, atau biji-bijian." Kalimat "the Romans defined the inch as the width of the thumb, and the mile as 311.000 paces" di paragraf 2 memiliki arti "orang Roma menetapkan inci selebar ibu jari, dan mil sama dengan 311.000 langkah." Kalimat "the British Imperial System of weights and measures evolved from many sources and became fairly well standardized by the 19th century" di paragraf 3 memiliki arti "Sistem Satuan Imperial untuk berat dan ukuran berkembang dari banyak sumber dan ditetapkan sesuai standar di abad ke-19." Berdasarkan tiga kalimat tersebut, penulis memberikan informasi pada pembaca mengenai masalah standar ukur yang umum di zaman dulu. Dari pilihan kata yang dituliskan penulis dan isi bahasan teksnya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks di soal ini memakai tone informatif. Kata informatif ada di opsi jawaban D. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D. informative .

Soal ini memiliki jawaban D. informative.

Soal tersebut menanyakan tone pada teks.

Tone adalah rasa yang muncul dalam pikiran pembaca saat membaca suatu teks. Tone pada teks dapat ditentukan dari melihat pilihan kata dalam kalimat yang ditulis oleh penulis.

Pada teks yang tertera, terdapat 3 paragraf. Paragraf 1 membahas tidak adanya standar ukur yang umum di zaman dulu. Paragraf 2 membahas masalah dalam pengukuran panjang di zaman dulu. Paragraf 3 membahas standar ukur di Imperium Britania.

Kalimat "such were the problems in early times when weight had to be guessed or measured against a standard of the weight of stones, seashells, seeds, or grain" di paragraf 1 memiliki arti "zaman dulu, berat harus ditebak atau diukur dengan berat batu, kerang laut, bibit, atau biji-bijian."

Kalimat "the Romans defined the inch as the width of the thumb, and the mile as 311.000 paces" di paragraf 2 memiliki arti "orang Roma menetapkan inci selebar ibu jari, dan mil sama dengan 311.000 langkah."

Kalimat "the British Imperial System of weights and measures evolved from many sources and became fairly well standardized by the 19th century" di paragraf 3 memiliki arti "Sistem Satuan Imperial untuk berat dan ukuran berkembang dari banyak sumber dan ditetapkan sesuai standar di abad ke-19."

Berdasarkan tiga kalimat tersebut, penulis memberikan informasi pada pembaca mengenai masalah standar ukur yang umum di zaman dulu. Dari pilihan kata yang dituliskan penulis dan isi bahasan teksnya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks di soal ini memakai tone informatif. Kata informatif ada di opsi jawaban D. 

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D. informative.

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