


A. Choose the correct answers. The following dialogue is for questions 25 to 32.

    I visited my cousin in lndragiri Hilir last week and was experienced a terrifying moment which I would never forget.

    I arrived at Hasan's house at about ten in the morning. Uncle Anto, Hasan's father was waiting for his friends when I arrived. After taking a rest, Uncle Anto asked me if I wanted to join him to go his palm farm together with his friends. I was excited by the offer. Hasan joined us too.

    Hasan, Uncle Anto, four other men and I set for the farm on a jeep. The jeep went through dusty and bumpy roads before stopping at a large palm farm. It was about two in the afternoon and the heat was so bad. All of us walked around the farm. Uncle Hasan and his friends were observing the palm trees, while Hasan and I were following them and chatting.

    We were about to go back to our car, when suddenly Uncle Anto stopped and whispered to us. He asked us to stop walking. "Bonita is here," he whispered. At first I didn't understand him, but when I saw a big tiger watching us from only 30 metre distance, I was quickly alert to the danger.

    Uncle Anto ordered us to walk slowly backwards. Bonita was still watching us. She did not move. Then Uncle Hasan asked us to turn around and walk away from Bonita. However, when we started to walk, she seemed to start walking slowly, too. "Do not panic. Go climb the trees," Uncle Anto whispered to us again.

    We climbed the nearest trees without making any noise. I sat on one of the tree's strong branches. Then, Bonita stopped walking towards us. She lay down while watching us.

    We waited and waited for about two hours, but Bonita didn't move. She was still there, watching us. Uncle Anto decided to call the Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA). When the team arrived, Bonita had already left.

29."The jeep went through dusty and bumpy roads ...." {Paragraph 3) The underlined word is best replaced by ....

29. "The jeep went through dusty and bumpy roads ...." {Paragraph 3)

The underlined word is best replaced by ....

  1. wet

  2. rough

  3. slippery

  4. muddy


D. Putri

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah B. rough.

jawaban yang benar adalah B. rough.



J awaban untuk soal ini adalah B. Soal ini menanyakan persamaan dari kata yang digarisbawahi pada kalimat " The jeep went through dusty and bumpy roads .... " Berdasarkan konteks kalimat tersebut, kata ' bumpy ' bermakna " bergelombang ". Dengan demikian, kata yang memiliki persamaan kata dengan " bumpy " adalah " rough " yan artinya "kasar". Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B. rough.

Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah B.

Soal ini menanyakan persamaan dari kata yang digarisbawahi pada kalimat "The jeep went through dusty and bumpy roads ...."

Berdasarkan konteks kalimat tersebut, kata 'bumpy' bermakna "bergelombang". Dengan demikian, kata yang memiliki persamaan kata dengan "bumpy" adalah "rough" yan artinya "kasar".

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B. rough.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Read the text and answer the questions below! The similar word of "lucky" in "we were lucky because we ...." in the last paragraph is ....



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