


    My family and I went to Magelang last week. We spent our holiday together. We left from Semarang at seven in the morning. My father drove the car.

    Our first stop was Puri Asri Hotel . We directly got out of the car and reported our arrival to the rafting centre at the back of the hotel . Mum had made an appointment in advance, so we immediately got our turn to go rafting.

    The water discharge was big at that time, so our rafting was pretty challenging. We went up and down along · Elo River on our rubber boat. There were a lot of splashes during the two-hour trip.

    After changing our wet clothes with dry ones and having lunch , we continued our journey to the legendary Borobudur. It was the most beautiful temple I had ever seen. We took an electric car to go around before climbing up to the peak of the temple.

" ... to the peak of the temple." The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....

" ... to the peak of the temple."
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....

  1. veranda

  2. front

  3. back

  4. top


R. Rani

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawabannya adalah D.

jawabannya adalah D.



Soal menanyakan kata yang memiliki makna sama dengan kata yang bergaris bawah. Kata yang bergaris bawah pada soal ini adalah "peak" (puncak) yang mana memiliki makna yang sama dengan kata "top" (puncak). Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah " top". Jadi, jawabannya adalah D.

Soal menanyakan kata yang memiliki makna sama dengan kata yang bergaris bawah.

Kata yang bergaris bawah pada soal ini adalah "peak" (puncak) yang mana memiliki makna yang sama dengan kata "top" (puncak).

Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah "top".

Jadi, jawabannya adalah D.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




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