


A. Choose the correct answers. The following dialogue is for questions 20 to 24.

    Marc texted me this afternoon saying that he was already back home from his trip to Taiwan. He wanted me to come to his house. He said he had brought me something from his trip. I was so excited to read his text that I biked to his house at once.

    When I arrived, he led me to his room. Then, he gave me a small package. He said it was special and I could not find it here in Amsterdam. I quickly opened the package and saw this terrifying thing. It was a lollipop, a regular one. However, something black was in the middle of this sweet. It was a scorpion!

    Marc laughed at me when he saw my shocked face. He said, "I've already tried one. It's OK." He, then, took another package and opened it. He showed me another lollipop with a spider in it.

24.What is the main idea of paragraph one?

24. What is the main idea of paragraph one?

  1. Marc texted me this afternoon saying that he was already back home from his trip to Taiwan.

  2. I was so excited to read his text, so I biked to his house at once.

  3. He said he had brought me something from his trip.

  4. He wanted me to come to his house.


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah A. Marc texted me this afternoon saying that he was already back home from his trip to Taiwan.

jawaban yang benar adalah A. Marc texted me this afternoon saying that he was already back home from his trip to Taiwan.




J awaban untuk soal ini adalah A. Soal ini menanyakan ide pokok paragraf satu. Ide pokok dalam paragraf dapat ditemukan di awal dan akhir paragraf. Padaparagraf 1 dalam teks tersebut, ide pokoknya berada di awal paragraf yaitu " Marc texted me this afternoon saying that he was already back home from his trip to Taiwan. " atau "Marc mengirim sms kepada saya sore ini mengatakan bahwa dia sudah kembali ke rumah dari perjalanannya ke Taiwan." karena kalimat tersebut bersifat paling umum diantarakalimat lainnya. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah A. Marc texted me this afternoon saying that he was already back home from his trip to Taiwan.

Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah A.

Soal ini menanyakan ide pokok paragraf satu.

Ide pokok dalam paragraf dapat ditemukan di awal dan akhir paragraf. 

Pada paragraf 1 dalam teks tersebut, ide pokoknya berada di awal paragraf yaitu "Marc texted me this afternoon saying that he was already back home from his trip to Taiwan." atau "Marc mengirim sms kepada saya sore ini mengatakan bahwa dia sudah kembali ke rumah dari perjalanannya ke Taiwan." karena kalimat tersebut bersifat paling umum diantara kalimat lainnya.

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah A. Marc texted me this afternoon saying that he was already back home from his trip to Taiwan.

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Pertanyaan serupa

2. What is the main idea of the paragraph?



Jawaban terverifikasi


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