

Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D, or E.

20 May 2017

Hello guys,

I want to inform you all that on 23 June our manager, Mr Hasta, will celebrate his birthday. I have talked to all assistant managers about a plan to prepare a birthday party for him. We will have a dinner party and a music show. I know some of us are talented in music. Because of budget limitations, we will prepare the party ourselves, so I hope you will take part in the preparations.

    I have assigned our secretary, Anita, to coordinate the preparation process. If you want to take part in preparing food and beverages, music performance or decoration, please contact Anita. I do hope we can organise a memorable party for his special day.

    We look forward to your attendance at a successfu l birthday celebration.

Best Regards,

Paula Subekti
Assistant Managing Director

"I hope you will take part in the preparations." (Paragraph 1) What does the underli ned phrase mean?

"I hope you will take part in the preparations." (Paragraph 1)

What does the underli ned phrase mean?

  1. Help

  2. Attend

  3. Arrange

  4. Organize

  5. Participate

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Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah E. Participate.

jawaban yang tepat adalah E. Participate.


Arti soal yaitu, "Apa makna dari frase yang digaris bawahi?". Frase take part memiliki arti "ikut serta". Kata yang mewakilkan makna dari kata tersebut adalah participate (berpartisipasi). Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah E. Participate.

Arti soal yaitu, "Apa makna dari frase yang digaris bawahi?".

Frase take part memiliki arti "ikut serta".

Kata yang mewakilkan makna dari kata tersebut adalah participate (berpartisipasi).

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah E. Participate.

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Violen Syahreil

Ini yang aku cari! Makasih ❤️


Pertanyaan serupa

".... will be resigning from my position this week." (Paragraph 1) What does the underlined word mean ?



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