Athaya I

12 Februari 2024 10:18



Athaya I

12 Februari 2024 10:18


tolong kasih contoh satu teks recount tentang nonton konser

tolong kasih contoh satu teks recount tentang nonton konser





Divaa D

12 Februari 2024 21:43

Berikut adalah contoh teks recount tentang pengalaman menonton konser: Hari itu terasa seperti sebuah petualangan yang tak terlupakan. Saya dan teman-teman saya telah menunggu dengan sabar selama berbulan-bulan untuk momen ini: konser musik yang telah kami nantikan dengan penuh antusiasme. Senja itu, kami tiba di tempat konser dengan hati yang berdebar-debar, di tengah kerumunan penggemar lain yang sama-sama bersemangat. Ketika pintu terbuka, kami memasuki arena konser yang gemerlap dengan sorotan lampu yang berkedip-kedip. Suasana hingar-bingar dan riuh rendah dari penggemar yang bersemangat mengisi udara. Kami segera berdesakan menuju panggung, mencari posisi terbaik untuk menikmati pertunjukan. Setelah menunggu dengan sabar, lampu panggung akhirnya padam. Teriakan kegirangan memenuhi arena saat musik dimulai. Penampil di panggung muncul dengan megah, dan kami tak dapat menahan euforia kami. Lagu-lagu yang kami kenal begitu baik dari rekaman, sekarang terdengar hidup dan mempesona di depan mata kami. Selama berjam-jam, kami larut dalam suasana magis konser tersebut. Setiap alunan musik, setiap gerakan panggung, setiap kata yang dinyanyikan oleh penyanyi menjadi momen yang berharga bagi kami. Rasanya seolah waktu berhenti, dan kami hanya terfokus pada pengalaman luar biasa ini. Ketika konser berakhir, kami meninggalkan arena dengan hati yang penuh kebahagiaan dan kenangan tak terlupakan. Meskipun lelah, senyum masih tertempel di wajah kami. Pengalaman menonton konser tersebut tidak hanya sekedar pertunjukan musik biasa, tetapi sebuah perjalanan emosional yang akan kami simpan selamanya dalam ingatan kami. sc.questionai



Salsabila M


Dijawab 7 hari yang lalu

<p><strong>My Unforgettable Concert Experience</strong></p><p>Last Saturday, I had the chance to attend a live concert by my favorite band, The Harmonics, and it was an experience I'll never forget. The concert took place at the Grand Arena, a large venue in the city center.</p><p>I arrived at the arena early to get a good spot. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement as fans lined up, eagerly waiting for the gates to open. As soon as I entered, I could see the stage was set up beautifully with colorful lights and impressive sound equipment. The anticipation grew as the crowd filled up the seats.</p><p>The concert started at 8 PM, and as the lights dimmed, the band appeared on stage to thunderous applause. They began with their hit song "Euphoria," and the energy in the arena was electric. The band performed a mix of their old classics and new tracks, each song met with cheers and sing-alongs from the audience.</p><p>One of the highlights of the night was when the lead singer, Alex, invited a few fans on stage to sing along. It was amazing to see their faces light up as they joined their idols. The band also played a heartfelt acoustic set, which created a magical atmosphere.</p><p>As the concert came to an end, The Harmonics thanked their fans and left the stage, but the crowd was not ready to let them go. The encore performance included their most popular song, "Stars Align," and everyone sang along at the top of their lungs.</p><p>After the concert, I met some friends who also attended, and we shared our favorite moments over dinner. We agreed that it was one of the best concerts we had ever been to. The combination of great music, an enthusiastic crowd, and an unforgettable atmosphere made it a night to remember.</p><p>Overall, the concert was a fantastic experience. It reminded me of the power of live music and how it can bring people together. I am already looking forward to the next time The Harmonics come to town!</p><p><strong>Penjelasan Struktur Teks:</strong></p><p><strong>Orientation:</strong></p><ul><li><i>Last Saturday, I had the chance to attend a live concert by my favorite band, The Harmonics...</i> (Memberikan latar belakang dan setting).</li></ul><p><strong>Sequence of Events:</strong></p><ul><li><i>I arrived at the arena early...</i></li><li><i>The concert started at 8 PM...</i></li><li><i>One of the highlights of the night was when...</i></li><li><i>As the concert came to an end...</i></li><li><i>After the concert, I met some friends...</i> (Menguraikan urutan kejadian dalam acara konser).</li></ul><p><strong>Reorientation:</strong></p><ul><li><i>Overall, the concert was a fantastic experience...</i> (Menyimpulkan pengalaman dan refleksi pribadi).</li></ul>

My Unforgettable Concert Experience

Last Saturday, I had the chance to attend a live concert by my favorite band, The Harmonics, and it was an experience I'll never forget. The concert took place at the Grand Arena, a large venue in the city center.

I arrived at the arena early to get a good spot. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement as fans lined up, eagerly waiting for the gates to open. As soon as I entered, I could see the stage was set up beautifully with colorful lights and impressive sound equipment. The anticipation grew as the crowd filled up the seats.

The concert started at 8 PM, and as the lights dimmed, the band appeared on stage to thunderous applause. They began with their hit song "Euphoria," and the energy in the arena was electric. The band performed a mix of their old classics and new tracks, each song met with cheers and sing-alongs from the audience.

One of the highlights of the night was when the lead singer, Alex, invited a few fans on stage to sing along. It was amazing to see their faces light up as they joined their idols. The band also played a heartfelt acoustic set, which created a magical atmosphere.

As the concert came to an end, The Harmonics thanked their fans and left the stage, but the crowd was not ready to let them go. The encore performance included their most popular song, "Stars Align," and everyone sang along at the top of their lungs.

After the concert, I met some friends who also attended, and we shared our favorite moments over dinner. We agreed that it was one of the best concerts we had ever been to. The combination of great music, an enthusiastic crowd, and an unforgettable atmosphere made it a night to remember.

Overall, the concert was a fantastic experience. It reminded me of the power of live music and how it can bring people together. I am already looking forward to the next time The Harmonics come to town!

Penjelasan Struktur Teks:


  • Last Saturday, I had the chance to attend a live concert by my favorite band, The Harmonics... (Memberikan latar belakang dan setting).

Sequence of Events:

  • I arrived at the arena early...
  • The concert started at 8 PM...
  • One of the highlights of the night was when...
  • As the concert came to an end...
  • After the concert, I met some friends... (Menguraikan urutan kejadian dalam acara konser).


  • Overall, the concert was a fantastic experience... (Menyimpulkan pengalaman dan refleksi pribadi).

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