Ruka.Inahame.Ch. R

25 Juli 2024 14:22


Ruka.Inahame.Ch. R

25 Juli 2024 14:22


Jawab soal ini yaa! 1.apa kepanjangan OC? 2.apa arti dari MC? 3.apa arti kata Author? !Thank for who Answer my Question! Actually i made this my own -^^- Don't You copy my Question Style, You Copycat! NO COPYING!!! NO COPYCAT!!! ENJOY MY QUESTION!!! TAKE YOUR GOLD, AFTER YOU ANSWER THIS!!! AND ONE AGAIN, THANK YOU!!! ~~~~~~~~~~LOVE~~YOU~~~~~~~~~~

Jawab soal ini yaa!


1.apa kepanjangan OC?

2.apa arti dari MC?

3.apa arti kata Author?


     !Thank for who Answer my Question!

 Actually i made this my own -^^- 

Don't You copy my Question Style, You Copycat!








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Jawaban terverifikasi


Nasywa K

25 Juli 2024 15:10

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>1. OC (Original Character) atau dalam bahasa indonesia berarti "Karakter asli / karakter original". istilah OC sering digunakan saat kita punya karakter buatan sendiri. jadi, karakter yang kamu buat tanpa mencontek atau mencuri karakter orang lain, itu disebut OC.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>2. MC (Main Character) atau artinya "Karakter utama". apasih karakter utama itu? karakter utama adalah karakter yang punya peran penting di dalam cerita. kalau misalnya karakter utama gak ada, maka ceritanya juga gak akan ada. (karakter utama juga bisa disebut sebagai karakter paling mencolok). contohnya dari Anime Naruto deh, karakter utamanya siapa? pasti Naruto. bukan cuma dari judul aja yaa. karena cerita Anime Naruto itu menceritakan pengalaman dan perjalanan Naruto. kalau gak ada Naruto, cerita Animenya gak bakal jalan, kan? nah, itu kenapa disebut "karakter utama"</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>3. Author. artinya tetep sama kok. Author bisa kita artikan sebagai "Orang" yang menciptakan sesuatu. tapi sesuatu apa? biasanya orang yang membuat karya original (karya asli), contohnya seperti karya tulis (Buku/Novel), karya ilustrasi (gambar/komik), karya musik, karya puisi, dan lain-lain.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><i>Hope this help you! :3</i></p>

1. OC (Original Character) atau dalam bahasa indonesia berarti "Karakter asli / karakter original". istilah OC sering digunakan saat kita punya karakter buatan sendiri. jadi, karakter yang kamu buat tanpa mencontek atau mencuri karakter orang lain, itu disebut OC.


2. MC (Main Character) atau artinya "Karakter utama". apasih karakter utama itu? karakter utama adalah karakter yang punya peran penting di dalam cerita. kalau misalnya karakter utama gak ada, maka ceritanya juga gak akan ada. (karakter utama juga bisa disebut sebagai karakter paling mencolok). contohnya dari Anime Naruto deh, karakter utamanya siapa? pasti Naruto. bukan cuma dari judul aja yaa. karena cerita Anime Naruto itu menceritakan pengalaman dan perjalanan Naruto. kalau gak ada Naruto, cerita Animenya gak bakal jalan, kan? nah, itu kenapa disebut "karakter utama"


3. Author. artinya tetep sama kok. Author bisa kita artikan sebagai "Orang" yang menciptakan sesuatu. tapi sesuatu apa? biasanya orang yang membuat karya original (karya asli), contohnya seperti karya tulis (Buku/Novel), karya ilustrasi (gambar/komik), karya musik, karya puisi, dan lain-lain. 


Hope this help you! :3

Ruka.Inahame.Ch. R

25 Juli 2024 16:13

Arigato gozaimasta @Nasywa K atas jawabannya ya! this is a little bit helping me! thanks!


Rendi R


26 Juli 2024 03:15

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>&nbsp;Tentu, berikut jawaban untuk pertanyaanmu:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>1. OC:<br>&nbsp; - Kepanjangan: Original Character<br>&nbsp; - Arti: OC adalah karakter yang diciptakan oleh seseorang, seringkali digunakan dalam konteks fiksi atau karya seni yang tidak didasarkan pada karakter yang ada sebelumnya dalam cerita atau franchise tertentu.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>2. MC:<br>&nbsp; - Arti: Main Character<br>&nbsp; - Arti: MC adalah karakter utama dalam sebuah cerita, seringkali protagonis atau tokoh sentral yang menjadi fokus utama narasi.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>3. Author:<br>&nbsp; - Arti: Penulis<br>&nbsp; - Arti: Seseorang yang menulis buku, artikel, atau karya tulis lainnya.</p>

 Tentu, berikut jawaban untuk pertanyaanmu:


1. OC:
  - Kepanjangan: Original Character
  - Arti: OC adalah karakter yang diciptakan oleh seseorang, seringkali digunakan dalam konteks fiksi atau karya seni yang tidak didasarkan pada karakter yang ada sebelumnya dalam cerita atau franchise tertentu.


2. MC:
  - Arti: Main Character
  - Arti: MC adalah karakter utama dalam sebuah cerita, seringkali protagonis atau tokoh sentral yang menjadi fokus utama narasi.


3. Author:
  - Arti: Penulis
  - Arti: Seseorang yang menulis buku, artikel, atau karya tulis lainnya.

Ruka.Inahame.Ch. R

26 Juli 2024 03:19

wahh hebat!

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Pertanyaan serupa

chapter 1: the beginning "Hmmm, so I've signed it. Now all I have to do is register directly from the school," Rita thought quickly . Rita or Rita Yunita is a girl who wants to go to Sakura Academy because she wants to get an award, become a student council member there, join champion, and get a scholarship so she can choose where she wants to go. "I hope I can pass the test so I can go to school at the currently popular Sakura Academy..." Rita spoke to herself. Chapter 2 : the great start . One day in a Japanese city there was a student who entered the Sakura Academy. There were many students who want to registered and then took a test to get permission to enter the academy or not... "Hello new students, welcome to Sakura Academy, a place where smart people study and graduate here," said the principal at Sakura Academy, Mrs. Lesia Kima. "With technology becoming more sophisticated day by day, Sakura Academy is developing it to become even more powerful" added Mrs. Kinada Tira, a teacher from class 1A . "Right, and let's start the registration event, ask all the students to go to the room next to the teachers' council, namely the registration room."Miss Lesia answered clearly. "Wow, that means this school is very modern!" thought Rita, "Hey, what's up there?" called a girl from behind."Huh?"Rita was confused because she heard someone calling her . "Hi, can we be friends? I don't have any friends here yet."answered the girl. "ooh of course, I'm Rita Yunita, what's your name? "Rita answered briefly ."My name is Yuta Aita, nice to meet you!" answered the girl whose name was apparently Yuta. "Yuta! Let's hurry to the student registration room. The other students have already left!" Rita answered quickly because she wanted to go to the registration room too. when they arrived at the registration room... "Haaaah!? The queue for registration is really long!! It took up to one night to queue before Yuta and I could register (sad)," answered Rita quickly but small. "Don't be sad, Rita, I've taken queue number 15 and number 16. I took two, one for you, that was before I met you, so don't worry." Yuta said calming Rita. "Wow, thanks Yuta ^^ "Rita answered happily. "Your welcome Rita, and now it's number 14 after me, then you Rita "Yuta answered calmly. [..NEXT NO.15..] "Well it's my turn! after that you Rita! "Yuta said that as he got up from his seat. "yes Yuta..{oh I'm so scared if I'm not accepted...} "Rita answered while thinking. "yeeeyy! I passed Rita! Now it's your turn! "Rita answered suddenly with a happy face."uh, yes yuta I'm coming..." Rita answered with a worried face.Rita got up from her seat and came to the registration area. "So... where is the registration paper? "Rita asked. "This is the paper, but first, can you provide proof that you are indeed enrolled at this Sakura Academy? "asked the person giving the registration form. "Here it is..I just registered yesterday. Is this true?"asked Rita who was waiting for the answer."Hmmm, wait a minute, I'll take a look first, okay?" answered the the person giving the registration form ."oohhh so you are the person who registered yesterday with the name Rita Yunita huh?"asked the person . "ah, yes, that's right..{hhhh luckily I'm there, so I'm a little calmer..}"Rita answered while thinking ."OK, here is the form, please write it with the correct information. "answered the person earlier. [Rita also wrote everything that was needed on the form correctly.] "Here's the form paper..I've finished answering it..{I hope I pass the next test so I can pass and can go to school here..}" Rita answered while shakingly handing over the form. [After waiting for a long time, Rita finally answered..] "Okay, you passed the next test like your friend Yuta. Isn't she your friend?"asked the person. "yes, that's right...oh yes, where will the next test be?"Rita asked with relief. "oh, it will be announced later so that everyone who passes can hear too.. "the person answered. "oh, thanks for the information..." Rita answered quietly as she went towards Yuta. "yuta! i passed too! !"Rita shouted happily. "wow, luckily you passed too! Hopefully we'll be in the same class too! "Yuta answered happily."You guys don't forget that your dorm rooms are the same so you have to remind each other. And also one room is only provided for 2 people so don't make the room messy otherwise you will be punished for sweeping the leaves on the school grounds, here is the dorm room card, the floor 5 No. 551 When you're in the room, don't be loud and don't be late for anything, you'll know what happens if you're late," answered the person giving the form at length. "Eeh...can I ask one more thing?" asked Rita nervously. "hhhh (sighs) quickly, what do you want to ask?" answered the form giver patiently . " If i want to register To become a student council or student council president, where do I go?" "ooh you will hear the announcement tomorrow morning at 07:15 remember don't be even a second late otherwise the field gate will immediately close. so now you can go to your dorm room with yuta now..." answered the person. "Aahh, sorry I asked a lot of questions and thank you for the information..." Rita answered slowly. [THEY GET UP THE LIFT AND GO TO THEIR Dormitory ROOM..] "Hmmm... room no. 549,, room no. 550,, room no. 551.. well here is our room Yuta!! "Rita said to Yuta who were busy carrying their suitcases and bags."Finally we arrived... Hey Rita, why did you tell me to carry our bags and suitcases? You only brought your cards and smartphone... I'm tired you know!" Yuta replied, almost angry because he was the one carrying their bags and suitcases. "Hehehe, don't be angry, Yuta, because if I told you to look for our room and I was the one carrying our bags and suitcases, you wouldn't find our room because you don't seem to be a careful person :v" Rita answered casually while explaining at length. "hhhh (takes a deep breath) OK, that's up to you, Rita, I'm lazy..." Yuta answered resignedly........ Pertanyaannya adalah.. 1.siapa nama karakter utamanya?....... 2.siapa teman pertamanya?.... 3.apa nama sekolah barunya?.... MAKASIH SUDAH MENJAWAB~~~~♥︎ BTW INI CERITA ASLI BUATANKU SENDIRI! BY ZAHIRAH JANGAN TIRU KLO ENGGAK BERDOSA



Jawaban terverifikasi

Chapter 28: Meeting again "... I didn't expect my life to become more regretful.... (Sigh) " " I just found out you were talking to Ben and Zachary that you talking about me like that. So where have you been? " " I just went to the hospital when it rained... Have we met before? " " Oh my gosh, sorry about that! My name is Nathan Harper. We graduated from high school in 2019. " " I'm really sorry that you looked me. I saw your left arm was injured. I can't bear it because you hide in the bathroom because you saw me... Because I vomited blood due to chest pain. " " So, what happened? " " Since I told him to forgive you when you didn't wake up. They both told me to accompany me before going to the hospital by taxi... But unfortunately, while on the way, a black car suddenly sped up and hit the three of us until my arm was bleeding... while they both had injuries on their faces. " " Gosh... What a shame to hear about that... I was the same as that time because I had a hit-and-run accident... " " so... this can only be used your hair is too long would this like a cherry blossom hair clip for a moment? " " Oh.... Thank you. " " Here, just take it . " " wow this look, perfect. " " Yes, maybe they like cherry blossoms since you like spring. " " I'm sure dad will be proud that we have lived with the house cleaner since mom left us to soon. Can I talk to you and the two of them? " "I'm sure they will never be disappointed with us. especially i like you cover songs when you perform. So we also sing like you. " " That's right. They don't blame me. " " They don't make fun of you. I won't left you because you are here. " " Haha... I'm sure about for what you saying let's make a vlog video for live on YouTube. " " Then, let's make a new video. " Does she like spring? A. Yes B. No



Jawaban terverifikasi


PLEASE READ THE TEXT CAREFULLY, THEN ANSWER THE QUESTION BRAVELY! THE LION KING The Lion KingIn the Pride Lands of Africa, a lion ruled over the animals as a king. The birth of King Mufasa and Queen Sarabis son Simba created envy and resentment in Mufasas younger brother, Scar, who knew his nephew now replaced him as heir to the throne. After Simba had grown into a young cub, Mufasa gave him a tour of the Pride Lands, teaching him the responsibilities of being a king and the Circle of Life. Later that day, Scar tricked Simba and his best friend Nala into exploring a forbidden elephant graveyard, despite the protests of Mufasas hornbill majordomo Zazu. At the graveyard, three spotted hyenas named Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed attack the cubs before Mufasa, alerted by Zazu, saved them and forgave Simba for his actions. That night, the hyenas, who were allied with Scar, plot with him to kill Mufasa and Simba. The next day Scar lured Simba to a gorge and told him to wait there while he got Mufasa. On Scars orders, the hyenas stampeded a large herd of wildebeest into the gorge. Mufasa saved Simba, but as Mufasa tried to climb up the gorges walls, Scar threw him back into the stampede, where he was trampled to death. After Simba found Mufasas body, Scar convinced him he was responsible for his fathers death and advised Simba to flee the kingdom. As Simba left, Scar ordered Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed to kill the cub, but Simba escaped. That night, Scar announced to the pride that both Mufasa and Simba were killed in the stampede and stepped forward as the new king, allowing a pack of hyenas to live in the Pride Lands. After running far away, Simba collapsed from exhaustion in a desert. Timon and Pumbaa, a meerkat and a warthog, found him and nursed him back to health. Simba subsequently grew up with them in the jungle, living a carefree life with his friends under the motto Hakuna Matata (no worries in Swahili). When he was a young adult, Simba saved Timon and Pumbaa from a hungry lioness, who turned out to be Nala. She and Simba reconciled and fell in love. Nala urged Simba to return home, telling him the Pride Lands had become a wasteland with not enough food and water. Feeling guilty over his father’s death, Simba refused and stormed off, leaving Nala disappointed and angry. As Simba exited the jungle, he encountered Mufasas mandrill friend and advisor, Rafiki. Rafiki told Simba that Mufasa was alive and took him to a pond. There Simba was visited by the ghost of Mufasa in the sky, who told him he took his rightful place as the king of the Pride Lands. Simba realized he could no longer run from his past and went home. Nala, Timon, and Pumbaa joined him and agreed to help him. At the Pride Lands, Simba saw Scar hit Sarabi and confronted him, but Scar taunted Simba over his part in Mufasas death. However, when Scar pushed Simba to the edge of Pride Rock, he revealed that he killed Mufasa. Enraged, Simba roared back up and forced Scar to reveal the truth to the pride. Timon, Pumbaa, Rafiki, Zazu, and the lionesses fended off the hyenas while Scar, attempting to escape, was cornered by Simba at the top of Pride Rock. Scar begged Simba for mercy, insisting that he was family and placing the blame on the hyenas. Simba no longer believed Scar but spared his life on the grounds of forever leaving the Pride Lands. Scar appeared to comply but then attacked his nephew. After a fierce fighting, Simba threw his uncle off Pride Rock. Scar survived the fall but was attacked and eaten alive by the hyenas, who overheard his attempted to betray them. With Scar and the hyenas gone, Simba ascended to the top of Pride Rock and took over the kingdom as the rain fell again. Sometime later, with Pride Rock restored to its former glory, Simba looked down happily at his kingdom with Nala, Timon, and Pumbaa by his side; Rafiki presented Simba and Nalas newborn cub to the inhabitants of the Pride Lands, and the Circle of Life continued. 1.How many main characters were in this story? 2.Who was Mufasa? 3.Where did they live? 4.Who was the king after Mufasa? 5.Why did Simba leave the Pride Lands when he was young? 6.Who was Nala? 7.What were the characters of Timon? 8.When did Simba go back to Pride Land? 9.What did Simba do to Scar? 10.What was the ending of the story? PLEASE IDENTIFY THE VERBAL AND NOMINAL SENTENCES OF SIMPLE PAST TENSE FROM THE TEXT ABOVE!



Jawaban terverifikasi

August 1, 2022: Same incident " ....? " " you...? " " Oh my, you are awake!, you are awake you are not in a coma anymore. That is the best news ever. " " Wait a minute... The last time I remember I was going home to the apartment and wake up in the hospital are they okay now? Is everyone okay? " Oh god, they are fine now I am very happy because you are awake. " " You don't remember anything because you were caught in heavy rain and hit by a car and hit your head very hard. " " and you were in a coma for 4 months and you were in intensive care for days ago and you had severely injured your face and your right hand. " " And also the three of them were injured in the same way as that incident. And there's a girl who comes to look for you because she wants to see you. " " Then your brother came here to forgive you. Before you awake and they meet you gain. Oh my goodness i'm so happy and i'm so sorry it was all my fault because I didn't come here. " " Because of all my own mistakes and you have wounds and pain in your hands it was all my fault. I cannot believe that you are life again. " " Oh my god, I can't believe itu I was actually sorry therefore I will be careful and i will good from now on and I won't do that again. Because it wasn't your fault I have forgiven you. " " Very good, okay. From now on I will come to you and you can talk to the three of you, your twin sibling, your younger brothers and sisters are missed you and they are very sad. " " Until now you haven't regained consciousness and the doctor has told me about you, I will visit her and all of them. And you will tell everything. " What is the title of this sentence? A. August 1, 2022: Same Incident B. April 1 2019: Extraordinary life



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