14 April 2024 10:16




14 April 2024 10:16


Dear Ariani Congratulations on your winning at the regional chess competition Your hard work has been paid off. Wishing you get the best result in the higher competition. Good luck! What does the greeting card about?



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Olew O

15 April 2024 08:42

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<p>Kata "Congratulations" pada greeting card di soal adalah ekspresi untuk menunjukan pencapaian yang telah di raih.&nbsp;</p><p>so, its about to congratulate ariani because she won the regional chess competition&nbsp;</p>

Kata "Congratulations" pada greeting card di soal adalah ekspresi untuk menunjukan pencapaian yang telah di raih. 

so, its about to congratulate ariani because she won the regional chess competition 



Alisha A

16 April 2024 10:36

<p>The greeting card is about giving congratulations.</p>

The greeting card is about giving congratulations.


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To: Super Dad Dad, you’re still the one I think of first when I have a question about something or when I just need some support and good advice. Thank you for always being there for me. Your beloved son 3. From the greeting card above, we can infer that .... A. The writer’s love remains the same. B. The writer’s father is in poor health. C. The father lives far away from the writer. D. The writer’s father has just been promoted.



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Batu Belah Batu Betangkup In ancient times, in a small village in Indragiri Hilir lived a widow named Mak Minah with her three children. The first child was named Diang, a woman. While the other two were men, each named Utuh and Ucin. To fulfill the living needs of her three children, Mak Minah must always work. Mak Minah's job was selling firewood to the market. The three Mak Minah children are very naughty. They did not want to listen to Mak Minah's advice. The three of them often refute orders from their mother. They just like to play around, even late at night. Mak Minah often felt sad about her children's behaviour. He often prayed for his children to be aware and willing to respect their parents. The next day Mak Minah prepared a lot of food for her children. After that he went to the river and approached a rock while talking. The stone can also open and then close again, like a conch. People often call it a cup of stone "O Batangkup Stone, swallow me. I can no longer live with my three children who have never respected their parents, "said Mak Minah. The rock was then swallowed up by Mak Minah's body, so that what was left of Mak Minah's body was only part of her hair. By late afternoon, his three children began to feel surprised. They have not seen their mother since morning. However, because there is enough food, they end up just eating and then playing again. After the second day, the food began to run out. Mak Minah's children start to get confused and feel hungry. Until the night they were confused looking for his mother. It was only the next day after they went to the bank of the river, they found the end of Mak Minah's hair that was unraveled swallowed by a thick rock. "O Batangkup Stone, we need our mother. Please remove our mother from your stomach, "they wailed. "No!!! You only need Mother when you are hungry. You have never loved and respected Mother, "answered Batu Batangkup. They continued to mourn and cry "We promise to help, love and respect Mother," they promised. Eventually the stone was granted the three Mak Minah children's lamentations. Mak Minah was removed from the cupped stone. They also became diligent in helping their mothers and loved Mak Minah. However, this did not last long. Sometime later they change the nature back to normal. Like playing around and lazy to help parents. Mak Minah was sad again. He then visited and then sat on a river bank. He was then swallowed up again by the stone. Mak Minah's children are still busy playing around. By late afternoon, then they realize that their mother does not exist anymore. They returned to visit the stone-shaped bowl on the bank of the river while lamenting that their mother's stone was removed by the stone-shaped cup. However, this time the cup stones are already angry. He then said, "You guys are bad kids. Your regret this time is useless, "said the stone Batubatungkup as he swallowed them. Batangkup stone has entered the ground and until now has never reappeared. Sometime later they change the nature back to normal. The underlined word refers to… A. Mak Minah B. Batu Batungkup C. Utuh and Ucin D. Mak Minah’s children



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August 1, 2022: Same incident " ....? " " you...? " " Oh my, you are awake!, you are awake you are not in a coma anymore. That is the best news ever. " " Wait a minute... The last time I remember I was going home to the apartment and wake up in the hospital are they okay now? Is everyone okay? " Oh god, they are fine now I am very happy because you are awake. " " You don't remember anything because you were caught in heavy rain and hit by a car and hit your head very hard. " " and you were in a coma for 4 months and you were in intensive care for days ago and you had severely injured your face and your right hand. " " And also the three of them were injured in the same way as that incident. And there's a girl who comes to look for you because she wants to see you. " " Then your brother came here to forgive you. Before you awake and they meet you gain. Oh my goodness i'm so happy and i'm so sorry it was all my fault because I didn't come here. " " Because of all my own mistakes and you have wounds and pain in your hands it was all my fault. I cannot believe that you are life again. " " Oh my god, I can't believe itu I was actually sorry therefore I will be careful and i will good from now on and I won't do that again. Because it wasn't your fault I have forgiven you. " " Very good, okay. From now on I will come to you and you can talk to the three of you, your twin sibling, your younger brothers and sisters are missed you and they are very sad. " " Until now you haven't regained consciousness and the doctor has told me about you, I will visit her and all of them. And you will tell everything. " What is the title of this sentence? A. August 1, 2022: Same Incident B. April 1 2019: Extraordinary life



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