Hilya H

31 Maret 2024 06:14



Hilya H

31 Maret 2024 06:14


To: Super Dad Dad, you’re still the one I think of first when I have a question about something or when I just need some support and good advice. Thank you for always being there for me. Your beloved son 3. From the greeting card above, we can infer that .... A. The writer’s love remains the same. B. The writer’s father is in poor health. C. The father lives far away from the writer. D. The writer’s father has just been promoted.



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Dela A


31 Maret 2024 06:14

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p><strong>Jawaban : A. The writer’s love remains the same</strong></p><p><br>Pembahasan :<br>Pada teks tertulis bahwa bagi si penulis, ayahnya adalah orang yang sama yang akan selalu ia minta bantuan dan bimbingannya. Berarti, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa cintanya kepada ayahnya tidak pernah berubah. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah A</p>

Jawaban : A. The writer’s love remains the same

Pembahasan :
Pada teks tertulis bahwa bagi si penulis, ayahnya adalah orang yang sama yang akan selalu ia minta bantuan dan bimbingannya. Berarti, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa cintanya kepada ayahnya tidak pernah berubah. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah A



Mazaya M


31 Maret 2024 09:39




Yah, akses pembahasan gratismu habis


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Pertanyaan serupa

MOHON DIJAWAB SECEPATNYA, TERIMAKASIH (text activity 6) When I was a seventh grader, I had an interest in dancing. At that time, I was a new student. All students in the seventh grade were required to participate in at least two extracurricular activities at school. Because I love English, I joined the English Club. However, I was confused about what other activities I would participate in. "Hi, Lala. Have you decided which extracurricular activities you will participate in?" asked Reza, my classmate. I was filling out the extracurricular registration form sheet when he asked. "I have chosen the English club, but I am still confused about the other activity," I replied. "The school has a lot of interesting/extracurricular activities. You have to choose one of them," Reza said. "You are right. But I'm still confused," I stared at the extracurricular registration form sheet. There were still a few hours before this sheet was collected. "I Think, you should choose activities that really match your passion. I've heard that you like to watch traditional dance performances. Why don't you just join the dance club?" Reza gave his opinion. I thought for a while: It may be true what Reza said. The dancing club is not bad. I always wanted to learn to dance a long time ago, but there was no chance. Maybe it was time for me to learn to dance. I smiled at Reza, and then said, "Thank you, Reza. Now I know which club I will choose." From then on, I confessed to the dancing club. I practiced dance seriously. I have mastered several types of dances, both traditional and contemporary dance. --PERTANYAAN---- A 1. What is the story about? B Rewrite Lala's story in Activity 6 in the table below! 1. Orientation= a. characters:............... b. Setting:............... 2. Complication: a. Conflict:............ b. Climax:.............. 3. Resolution:.................



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