Angelica A

22 Februari 2024 15:10



Angelica A

22 Februari 2024 15:10


Create your own experience when you had a holiday or vacation with your friends or your family. Remember the generic structure of a recount text, consissts of Orientation, Series of Events and Reorientation. Your text must be around 250-500 words.

Create your own experience when you had a holiday or vacation with your friends or your family. Remember the generic structure of a recount text, consissts of Orientation, Series of Events and Reorientation. Your text must be around 250-500 words.






Nico V

23 Februari 2024 01:49

<p>A Journey of Friendship and Adventure</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Last summer, my friends and I embarked on a thrilling holiday adventure that left us with unforgettable memories. We had been planning this escapade for months, eagerly counting down the days until we could escape the routine of daily life and create lasting moments together.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Our journey began with excitement of packing our bags, each item carefully chosen to ensure we were well-prepared for whatever the trip might throw at us. With backpacks secured and spirits high, we set off for a quaint mountain resort nestled in the heart of nature.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>As we arrived, the scenic beauty of the surroundings immediately captivated us. Lush greenery, towering trees, and the distant melody of a flowing river welcomed us to our temporary haven. Our cozy cabin, surrounded by nature's tranquility, became our home for the next week.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The days unfolded with a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure. We explored winding trails, hiked to breathtaking viewpoints, and immersed ourselves in the beauty of the great outdoors. Every evening, we gathered around a crackling bonfire, sharing stories, laughter, and toasting to the joys of friendship.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>As the sun set on our last day, casting a warm glow over the mountains, we couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and nostalgia. The journey had not only allowed us to escape the mundane but had strengthened the bonds of friendship. We returned home with hearts full of joy, photo albums filled with snapshots of laughter, and a shared promise to make this an annual tradition.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

A Journey of Friendship and Adventure


Last summer, my friends and I embarked on a thrilling holiday adventure that left us with unforgettable memories. We had been planning this escapade for months, eagerly counting down the days until we could escape the routine of daily life and create lasting moments together.


Our journey began with excitement of packing our bags, each item carefully chosen to ensure we were well-prepared for whatever the trip might throw at us. With backpacks secured and spirits high, we set off for a quaint mountain resort nestled in the heart of nature.


As we arrived, the scenic beauty of the surroundings immediately captivated us. Lush greenery, towering trees, and the distant melody of a flowing river welcomed us to our temporary haven. Our cozy cabin, surrounded by nature's tranquility, became our home for the next week.


The days unfolded with a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure. We explored winding trails, hiked to breathtaking viewpoints, and immersed ourselves in the beauty of the great outdoors. Every evening, we gathered around a crackling bonfire, sharing stories, laughter, and toasting to the joys of friendship.


As the sun set on our last day, casting a warm glow over the mountains, we couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and nostalgia. The journey had not only allowed us to escape the mundane but had strengthened the bonds of friendship. We returned home with hearts full of joy, photo albums filled with snapshots of laughter, and a shared promise to make this an annual tradition.





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When you think of festivals, do you think street parades, traditional events and colourful costumes? Well, think again! Nowadays, it's fashionable to stay indoors with your screens! Why? It's to celebrate video-gaming, which is one of the most popular hobbies around. There are lots of big gaming festivals in the world and the UK is one of the main centres because most gamers communicate in English. Insomnia, which is the biggest festival in the UK, is held every year near Birmingham and attracts thousands of young people. It's an amazing get-together where you can meet the world's most renowned players. Some of these celebrities are only eleven or twelve years old! There are tournaments of popular games like Mortal Kombat. Minecraft is also everywhere, which shows that it is a real cultural phenomenon. Although the festival happens inside and everyone is glued to screens, these events have a lot in common with traditional festivals. There are many fans who form long queues to watch celebrity gamers on big stages. There are incredible light displays and giant screens everywhere. At first sight, it looks more like a rock concert! We interviewed a teenager at the Insomnia festival in Coventry to see what she thought: Marcela: 'This is the best party I've ever been to! I've travelled across the world to be here. There's a real sense of community. I've met a lot of people who I only knew from the internet. We share our love for video games and discuss how best to play them. It's great for my English because that's what everyone speaks online and here too!' Choose the correct option according to the reading text! 1. The article says that staying in is now more / less trendy than going out. 2.Gaming events are popular in the UK because of the great facilities / English is the common language . 3. Some of the most famous players are pre-teens / young adults . 4. Video game events are more similar to / different from traditional events than you think. 5. The celebrity video gamers are in the audience / on stage like superstars.



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PLEASE READ THE TEXT CAREFULLY, THEN ANSWER THE QUESTION BRAVELY! THE LION KING The Lion KingIn the Pride Lands of Africa, a lion ruled over the animals as a king. The birth of King Mufasa and Queen Sarabis son Simba created envy and resentment in Mufasas younger brother, Scar, who knew his nephew now replaced him as heir to the throne. After Simba had grown into a young cub, Mufasa gave him a tour of the Pride Lands, teaching him the responsibilities of being a king and the Circle of Life. Later that day, Scar tricked Simba and his best friend Nala into exploring a forbidden elephant graveyard, despite the protests of Mufasas hornbill majordomo Zazu. At the graveyard, three spotted hyenas named Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed attack the cubs before Mufasa, alerted by Zazu, saved them and forgave Simba for his actions. That night, the hyenas, who were allied with Scar, plot with him to kill Mufasa and Simba. The next day Scar lured Simba to a gorge and told him to wait there while he got Mufasa. On Scars orders, the hyenas stampeded a large herd of wildebeest into the gorge. Mufasa saved Simba, but as Mufasa tried to climb up the gorges walls, Scar threw him back into the stampede, where he was trampled to death. After Simba found Mufasas body, Scar convinced him he was responsible for his fathers death and advised Simba to flee the kingdom. As Simba left, Scar ordered Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed to kill the cub, but Simba escaped. That night, Scar announced to the pride that both Mufasa and Simba were killed in the stampede and stepped forward as the new king, allowing a pack of hyenas to live in the Pride Lands. After running far away, Simba collapsed from exhaustion in a desert. Timon and Pumbaa, a meerkat and a warthog, found him and nursed him back to health. Simba subsequently grew up with them in the jungle, living a carefree life with his friends under the motto Hakuna Matata (no worries in Swahili). When he was a young adult, Simba saved Timon and Pumbaa from a hungry lioness, who turned out to be Nala. She and Simba reconciled and fell in love. Nala urged Simba to return home, telling him the Pride Lands had become a wasteland with not enough food and water. Feeling guilty over his father’s death, Simba refused and stormed off, leaving Nala disappointed and angry. As Simba exited the jungle, he encountered Mufasas mandrill friend and advisor, Rafiki. Rafiki told Simba that Mufasa was alive and took him to a pond. There Simba was visited by the ghost of Mufasa in the sky, who told him he took his rightful place as the king of the Pride Lands. Simba realized he could no longer run from his past and went home. Nala, Timon, and Pumbaa joined him and agreed to help him. At the Pride Lands, Simba saw Scar hit Sarabi and confronted him, but Scar taunted Simba over his part in Mufasas death. However, when Scar pushed Simba to the edge of Pride Rock, he revealed that he killed Mufasa. Enraged, Simba roared back up and forced Scar to reveal the truth to the pride. Timon, Pumbaa, Rafiki, Zazu, and the lionesses fended off the hyenas while Scar, attempting to escape, was cornered by Simba at the top of Pride Rock. Scar begged Simba for mercy, insisting that he was family and placing the blame on the hyenas. Simba no longer believed Scar but spared his life on the grounds of forever leaving the Pride Lands. Scar appeared to comply but then attacked his nephew. After a fierce fighting, Simba threw his uncle off Pride Rock. Scar survived the fall but was attacked and eaten alive by the hyenas, who overheard his attempted to betray them. With Scar and the hyenas gone, Simba ascended to the top of Pride Rock and took over the kingdom as the rain fell again. Sometime later, with Pride Rock restored to its former glory, Simba looked down happily at his kingdom with Nala, Timon, and Pumbaa by his side; Rafiki presented Simba and Nalas newborn cub to the inhabitants of the Pride Lands, and the Circle of Life continued. 1.How many main characters were in this story? 2.Who was Mufasa? 3.Where did they live? 4.Who was the king after Mufasa? 5.Why did Simba leave the Pride Lands when he was young? 6.Who was Nala? 7.What were the characters of Timon? 8.When did Simba go back to Pride Land? 9.What did Simba do to Scar? 10.What was the ending of the story? PLEASE IDENTIFY THE VERBAL AND NOMINAL SENTENCES OF SIMPLE PAST TENSE FROM THE TEXT ABOVE!



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