Kenzie H
23 Januari 2024 07:21
Kenzie H
23 Januari 2024 07:21
When you think of festivals, do you think street parades, traditional events and colourful costumes? Well, think again! Nowadays, it's fashionable to stay indoors with your screens! Why? It's to celebrate video-gaming, which is one of the most popular hobbies around. There are lots of big gaming festivals in the world and the UK is one of the main centres because most gamers communicate in English.
Insomnia, which is the biggest festival in the UK, is held every year near Birmingham and attracts thousands of young people. It's an amazing get-together where you can meet the world's most renowned players. Some of these celebrities are only eleven or twelve years old! There are tournaments of popular games like Mortal Kombat. Minecraft is also everywhere, which shows that it is a real cultural phenomenon.
Although the festival happens inside and everyone is glued to screens, these events have a lot in common with traditional festivals. There are many fans who form long queues to watch celebrity gamers on big stages. There are incredible light displays and giant screens everywhere. At first sight, it looks more like a rock concert!
We interviewed a teenager at the Insomnia festival in Coventry to see what she thought:
Marcela: 'This is the best party I've ever been to! I've travelled across the world to be here. There's a real sense of community. I've met a lot of people who I only knew from the internet. We share our love for video games and discuss how best to play them. It's great for my English because that's what everyone speaks online and here too!'
Choose the correct option according to the reading text!
1. The article says that staying in is now more / less trendy than going out.
2.Gaming events are popular in the UK because of the great facilities / English is the common language.
3. Some of the most famous players are pre-teens/ young adults.
4. Video game events are more similar to / different from traditional events than you think.
5. The celebrity video gamers are in the audience / on stage like superstars.
Mie A
23 Januari 2024 11:49
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Salsabila Z
24 Januari 2024 08:06
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