Amanda A
01 Oktober 2024 15:23
Amanda A
01 Oktober 2024 15:23
Cocokkan ungkapan berikut ini dengan responnya
Ungkapan :
1. Congratulations on being the winner of English speech contest
2. Im very happy to be the runner up of this poetry reading contest
3. Im going to have an English test tomorrow
4. Im going to visit my grandma tomorrow in jakarta
5. Im going to have my final test next week
6. We're moving to another city next year
7. Listen! I got the second position in this year's singing contest for junior high school students
8. What a beautiful painting. You have a talent to be a painter
9. Im launching my new novel next week
Respon :
A. Good luck, then. You need to study this evening
B. Have a nice trip
C. Good with your test
D. Im very proud of you
E. Best of luck
F. I hope everything will be alright
G. I hope it will run well
H. Congratulations on being the second winner
I. Thanks
Rendi R
02 Oktober 2024 03:32
Berikut adalah kecocokan antara ungkapan dan responnya:
1. Congratulations on being the winner of English speech contest
D. Im very proud of you
2. Im very happy to be the runner up of this poetry reading contest
H. Congratulations on being the second winner
3. Im going to have an English test tomorrow
A. Good luck, then. You need to study this evening
4. Im going to visit my grandma tomorrow in Jakarta
B. Have a nice trip
5. Im going to have my final test next week
C. Good with your test
6. We’re moving to another city next year
F. I hope everything will be alright
7. Listen! I got the second position in this year’s singing contest for junior high school students
H. Congratulations on being the second winner
8. What a beautiful painting. You have a talent to be a painter
I. Thanks
9. Im launching my new novel next week
G. I hope it will run well
· 0.0 (0)
Asri D
10 Desember 2024 00:29
1. I. Thanks
2. D. I'm very proud of you
3. A. Good luck, then. You need to study this evening
4. B. Have a nice trip
5. C. Good with ur test
6. F. I hope everything will be alright
7. H. Congratulations on being the second winner
8. I. Thanks
9. G. I tipe it will run well
Ini sepertinya jawabannya ada yang kurang ya jadi bisa ditanya ke gurunya atau ke yang pintar bahasa Inggris untuk respon lebih benarnya
· 0.0 (0)
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