Nailah A
27 November 2024 05:41
Nailah A
27 November 2024 05:41
Lucky A
27 November 2024 14:13
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Rendi R
30 November 2024 11:17
Berikut adalah jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan berdasarkan cerita "The Donkey of Guizhou":
Was there a donkey in Guizhou?
Yes, there was a donkey in Guizhou. Someone had shipped it there and set it loose at the foot of the mountain.
When did the tiger hide himself in the forest and survey it from under cover?
The tiger hid himself in the forest and surveyed the donkey from under cover when he first saw the donkey and thought it must be a divine creature.
Why did the tiger hurry run away?
The tiger hurriedly ran away when the donkey gave a loud bray because he thought the donkey might attack or eat him.
Why did the donkey feel angry to the tiger?
The donkey felt angry because the tiger became bold and purposely bumped into it.
What did the donkey do then?
The donkey, in anger, struck out its hind legs and kicked wildly at the tiger. However, the tiger realized that the donkey was not as strong or dangerous as it appeared, and then attacked and ate the donkey.
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