Zahraa A

26 Mei 2024 00:37



Zahraa A

26 Mei 2024 00:37


Asking Ability of Doing Something -Can you...? -Are you able to..? -Do you know how to..? Abis to Do Something -l can.. -l am able to.. -l know how to.. Can't Do Something -l am not sure l know how to.. - l am not good at.. - l can't.. Minta tolong dibantu yaa





Salsabila M


26 Mei 2024 05:54

That's a great breakdown! Here's a summary: Asking ability of doing something: - Can you...? - Are you able to...? - Do you know how to...? Ability to do something: - I can... - I am able to... - I know how to... Inability to do something: - I am not sure I know how to... - I am not good at... - I can't...



Shafiyah S

Dijawab 6 hari yang lalu

<p># Asking Ability to Do Something</p><p>1. Can you...?<br>- "Can you cook Italian food?" (Bisakah kamu memasak makanan Italia?)<br>- "Can you help me move this weekend?" (Bisakah kamu membantu saya pindah akhir pekan ini?)<br>- "Can you speak Spanish?" (Bisakah kamu berbahasa Spanyol?)</p><p>2. Are you able to...?<br>- "Are you able to finish the report by Friday?" (Apakah kamu bisa menyelesaikan laporan ini pada hari Jumat?)<br>- "Are you able to run a marathon?" (Apakah kamu bisa berlari maraton?)<br>- "Are you able to attend the conference next month?" (Apakah kamu bisa menghadiri konferensi bulan depan?)</p><p>Do you know how to...?<br>- "Do you know how to change a tire?" (Apakah kamu tahu caranya mengganti ban?)<br>- "Do you know how to create a website?" (Apakah kamu tahu caranya membuat situs web?)<br>- "Do you know how to make sushi?" (Apakah kamu tahu caranya membuat sushi?)</p><p># Stating Ability to Do Something</p><p>1. I can...<br>- "I can play the violin." (Saya bisa bermain biola)<br>- "I can fix computers." (Saya bisa memperbaiki komputer)<br>- "I can draw portraits." (Saya bisa menggambar potret)</p><p>2. I am able to...<br>- "I am able to work overtime this week." (Saya mampu bekerja lembur minggu ini)<br>- "I am able to drive a stick shift." (Saya mampu mengemudi mobil dengan transmisi manual)<br>- "I am able to stay calm under pressure." (Saya mampu tetap tenang di bawah tekanan)</p><p>3. I know how to...<br>- "I know how to knit scarves." (Saya tahu caranya merajut syal)<br>- "I know how to negotiate contracts." (Saya tahu caranya merundingkan kontrak)<br>- "I know how to edit videos." (Saya tahu caranya mengedit video)</p><p># Stating Inability to Do Something</p><p>1. I am not sure I know how to...<br>- "I am not sure I know how to set up this new software." (Saya tidak yakin saya tahu caranya mengatur perangkat lunak baru ini)<br>- "I am not sure I know how to dance." (Saya tidak yakin saya tahu caranya menari)<br>- "I am not sure I know how to solve this math problem." (Saya tidak yakin saya tahu caranya menyelesaikan masalah matematika ini)</p><p>2. I am not good at...<br>- "I am not good at small talk." (Saya tidak pandai berbasa-basi)<br>- "I am not good at organizing events." (Saya tidak pandai mengorganisir acara)<br>- "I am not good at multitasking." (Saya tidak pandai melakukan banyak tugas sekaligus)</p><p>3. I can't...<br>- "I can't join you for lunch today." (Saya tidak bisa bergabung denganmu untuk makan siang hari ini)<br>- "I can't sing in tune." (Saya tidak bisa menyanyi dengan nada yang benar)<br>- "I can't remember where I put my keys." (Saya tidak bisa mengingat di mana saya meletakkan kunci saya)</p>

# Asking Ability to Do Something

1. Can you...?
- "Can you cook Italian food?" (Bisakah kamu memasak makanan Italia?)
- "Can you help me move this weekend?" (Bisakah kamu membantu saya pindah akhir pekan ini?)
- "Can you speak Spanish?" (Bisakah kamu berbahasa Spanyol?)

2. Are you able to...?
- "Are you able to finish the report by Friday?" (Apakah kamu bisa menyelesaikan laporan ini pada hari Jumat?)
- "Are you able to run a marathon?" (Apakah kamu bisa berlari maraton?)
- "Are you able to attend the conference next month?" (Apakah kamu bisa menghadiri konferensi bulan depan?)

Do you know how to...?
- "Do you know how to change a tire?" (Apakah kamu tahu caranya mengganti ban?)
- "Do you know how to create a website?" (Apakah kamu tahu caranya membuat situs web?)
- "Do you know how to make sushi?" (Apakah kamu tahu caranya membuat sushi?)

# Stating Ability to Do Something

1. I can...
- "I can play the violin." (Saya bisa bermain biola)
- "I can fix computers." (Saya bisa memperbaiki komputer)
- "I can draw portraits." (Saya bisa menggambar potret)

2. I am able to...
- "I am able to work overtime this week." (Saya mampu bekerja lembur minggu ini)
- "I am able to drive a stick shift." (Saya mampu mengemudi mobil dengan transmisi manual)
- "I am able to stay calm under pressure." (Saya mampu tetap tenang di bawah tekanan)

3. I know how to...
- "I know how to knit scarves." (Saya tahu caranya merajut syal)
- "I know how to negotiate contracts." (Saya tahu caranya merundingkan kontrak)
- "I know how to edit videos." (Saya tahu caranya mengedit video)

# Stating Inability to Do Something

1. I am not sure I know how to...
- "I am not sure I know how to set up this new software." (Saya tidak yakin saya tahu caranya mengatur perangkat lunak baru ini)
- "I am not sure I know how to dance." (Saya tidak yakin saya tahu caranya menari)
- "I am not sure I know how to solve this math problem." (Saya tidak yakin saya tahu caranya menyelesaikan masalah matematika ini)

2. I am not good at...
- "I am not good at small talk." (Saya tidak pandai berbasa-basi)
- "I am not good at organizing events." (Saya tidak pandai mengorganisir acara)
- "I am not good at multitasking." (Saya tidak pandai melakukan banyak tugas sekaligus)

3. I can't...
- "I can't join you for lunch today." (Saya tidak bisa bergabung denganmu untuk makan siang hari ini)
- "I can't sing in tune." (Saya tidak bisa menyanyi dengan nada yang benar)
- "I can't remember where I put my keys." (Saya tidak bisa mengingat di mana saya meletakkan kunci saya)

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It's been almost 4 months since he admitted to the hospital due to fainting, injured in a hit-and-run and experiencing a coma. It appears that there is a good samaritan or a fans coming here to support and can write down their childhood memories... That the strange happened from that day. Then, the fraternal teenagers Kai and Noelle search for the Harper family decided to stayed at the hospital and take care of all three of them for a teenage girl who was not alone then her 15-year-old brother and her second 17-year-old brother lying down because of the accident at 18. 50 (which is near night) Kai was tell him about everything. While noelle tried to answer something However, unfortunately it happened, as she saw a message said " It seems like all of your siblings have liked your song since you started liking pop music, jazz music, and orchestral music if I'm not mistaken. " As she see. She will can understand before her brother regained consciousness at the end of July 2022. What time do Kai and Noelle stay overnight in the hospital? A. 18. 50 B. 21. 15



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The quotes of song silent screams. Silent scream Release date: August, 7th 2015 " You guys! Come and see who's here... ! " " Oh my goodness, Zoe my granddaughter! Where have you been all this time?! Why is this happening to you, Zoe... Where are your parents? " " My parents have passed away, grandma... " " What?! Dead? Oh my goodness Please tell me everything, Zoe." " So, grandma used to ever since mom and dad got angry because of the test scores mom and dad got a new guest meeting themselves At the beginning of my parents' lives, everything went smoothly but it turns out that mom and dad have the wrong guest. " " The truth revealed guest they met first because they were fired because of a serious illness where is this guest do not accept being caught or reprimanded indiscriminately. " " Even they both are still happy they often lose because of debt to bankrupt in 1 day. God really knows because came to both parents, grandma. " " By sending a guest has a serious illness. until the point where mom and dad, depressed and sad, refused to acknowledge their mistakes and behaviour without telling the reason. " " because the guest stabbed mom in the neck while dad was beaten to death, grandma. " " Oh no my son, Josh and our daughter-in-law Cindy Both of us did not expect what happened to both of you It turns out that you have indeed hurt our grandchild. Since you are happy. " " No! My sister Cindy... Zoe, can you help auntie and all of us to the grave of both of your parents? " Yes, auntie they will be happy to go to their both graves " " That's true, let's all go to your parents' grave! " When was the song 'silent scream' released? A. August, 12th 2019 B. August, 7th 2015



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NO. 20 She ... a bank teller since you were five years old. A.Becomes B.Became C.Has became D.Has become E.Have become NO. 21 Haven’t you ... Mr. Koko at the teacher’s room? A.Meet B.Met C.Meeting D.Has meet E.Have meet NO. 22 Mr. Badru is looking for his laptop, he can’t find it. He ... his laptop. A.Is loosing B.Had loose C.Have lost D.Has loose E.Has lost NO. 23 The internet has generated many changes in our lives. It has changed the way we communicate and access information. The internet also has changed the way we buy things. In today's online shopping is growing rapidly. It has become a new culture in every country. Buying things online is very easy. The only thing to do is to go to a certain website, which sells the product you need. The search engine on the web also enables us to find things fast with various choices. After the product is chosen and the payment is made, the online shopper should only wait for three to five days until the thing purchased comes to his/her door. Another good advantage of online shopping is that things may be cheaper than in real stores. In the other hand, online shoppers should be careful in choosing products. Sometimes, you do not get what you need. Another big problem is the quality of the things can be less than similar items in real stores.That's the reason why online shoppers must thoroughly check products offered. What does the text mainly talk about? A.The benefits of online shopping B.The procedure of shopping online C.The deficiencies of online shopping D.Things to do when online shopping E.The strengths and weaknesses of online shopping NO. 24 The internet has generated many changes in our lives. It has changed the way we communicate and access information. The internet also has changed the way we buy things. In today's online shopping is growing rapidly. It has become a new culture in every country. Buying things online is very easy. The only thing to do is to go to a certain website, which sells the product you need. The search engine on the web also enables us to find things fast with various choices. After the product is chosen and the payment is made, the online shopper should only wait for three to five days until the thing purchased comes to his/her door. Another good advantage of online shopping is that things may be cheaper than in real stores. In the other hand, online shoppers should be careful in choosing products. Sometimes, you do not get what you need. Another big problem is the quality of the things can be less than similar items in real stores.That's the reason why online shoppers must thoroughly check products offered. How can online shoppers choose products? They have to .... A.Go to real shops B.Have an account C.Have a computer D.Visit the shop’s site E.Log in to their email



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