


This is Andy's diary. Read it carefully.

    I was excited to hear Mrs. Trudy's lesson today. Biology was never my forte, but as I listened to her talking about global warming and its effects on plants, I couldn't stop feeling interested about it.

    Up to now, I always thought that global warming was the problem of the "Big People"; you know, all those country rulers. However, Mrs. Trudy opened my eyes to see that my opinion was wrong. Well, her talk and also the TV program I saw about the ice melting in the North Pole. I still couldn't believe how real the effects of global warming are. People actually suffer because of it, but everyone is actually able to help to prevent, or at least reduce the effects, through simple acts.

    Mrs. Trudy divided the class into several groups to make further research on global warming. My group hasn't decided what our specific theme was going to be. We're going to discuss it tomorrow night at Sophie's house. I am really excited about doing this. I have plenty ideas to share with them. I have a feeling this project will be great.

    I remembered that the principal had mentioned about saving the Earth in his speech last week. It looks like the school is going to soon have a green project. If that's so, I'm going to have a real opportunity to take action. That's so cool. I can't wait to be a part of it.

Write the paragraph number in which you find the following information. Andy received a group assignment from Mrs Trudy.

Write the paragraph number in which you find the following information.

Andy received a group assignment from Mrs Trudy.


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah 3.

jawaban yang tepat adalah 3.




Soal ini memiliki jawaban benaryaitu paragraf nomor 3. Informasi yang tertulis yaitu " Andy received a group assignment from Mrs Trudy . " yang berarti "Andy mendapat tugas kelompok dari Bu Trudy." Untuk menemukan informasi tersebut, perlu untuk membaca teks. Informasi tersebut terdapat pada awal paragraf ketigayang tertulis " Mrs. Trudy divided the class into several groups to make further research on global warming. " yang berarti "Ibu Trudy membagi kelas menjadi beberapa kelompok untuk melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang pemanasan global." Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah 3.

Soal ini memiliki jawaban benar yaitu paragraf nomor 3.

Informasi yang tertulis yaitu "Andy received a group assignment from Mrs Trudy." yang berarti "Andy mendapat tugas kelompok dari Bu Trudy."

Untuk menemukan informasi tersebut, perlu untuk membaca teks. Informasi tersebut terdapat pada awal paragraf ketiga yang tertulis " Mrs. Trudy divided the class into several groups to make further research on global warming." yang berarti "Ibu Trudy membagi kelas menjadi beberapa kelompok untuk melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang pemanasan global."

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah 3.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Write the paragraph number in which you find the following information. Andy never liked biology.



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