


Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answer.

  1. Prepare your fruits and vegetables by washing them thoroughly and peeling off those that need the skin removed.
  2. Your juicer features an extra wide chute, some sugars and thus most fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots, beans, celery , and thers will not need to be cut into smaller pieces since they fit in the cute.
  3. Make sure your juice extractor is properly assembled. Please follow the instructions.
  4. Ensure the juice extractor and its' accessories are clean by following the cleaning and maintenance section of this manual.
  5. Place the jar or any other container/ glass you may wish to use to collect the juice under the spout and make sure the pulp collector is in place prior to begin juicing. Do not juice the pulp collector container to overfill as this may cause the unit to stall.
  6. Plug the power cord into an e lectrical outlet and turn the power on "I".
  7. Once the juicer is on, place the fruits and vegetables on the food chute and use the food pusher slowly to drive them down. In order to extract the maximum amount of the juice, it is important to push the food pusher slowly.
  8. The juice extractor will separate the juice and the pulp in the jar and pulp collector while you are juicing.

Why is it important to push the food pusher slowly?

Why is it important to push the food pusher slowly?

  1. To drive the fruits and vegetables down well

  2. To extract the maximum amount of juice

  3. To separate the juice and the pulp in the jar

  4. To make fruits and vegetables good and fresh


A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah B.

jawaban yang benar adalah B.




Soal ini menanyakan "Mengapa penting untuk mendorong pendorong makanan secara perlahan?". Jawaban untuk soal tersebut dapat ditemukan pada langkah ke-7, yaitu : Once the juicer is on, place the fruits and vegetables on the food chute and use the food pusher slowly to drive them down. In order to extract the maximum amount of the juice, it is important to push the food pusher slowly. Setelah juicer menyala, letakkan buah dan sayuran di atas saluran makanan dan gunakan pendorong makanan secara perlahan untuk menurunkannya. Untuk mengekstrak jus dalam jumlah maksimum, penting untuk mendorong pendorong makanan secara perlahan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diketahui bahwa penting untuk mendorong makanan secara perlahan untuk mengekstrak jus dalam jumlah maksimum. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B.

Soal ini menanyakan "Mengapa penting untuk mendorong pendorong makanan secara perlahan?".

Jawaban untuk soal tersebut dapat ditemukan pada langkah ke-7, yaitu :

  • Once the juicer is on, place the fruits and vegetables on the food chute and use the food pusher slowly to drive them down. In order to extract the maximum amount of the juice, it is important to push the food pusher slowly.
    Setelah juicer menyala, letakkan buah dan sayuran di atas saluran makanan dan gunakan pendorong makanan secara perlahan untuk menurunkannya. Untuk mengekstrak jus dalam jumlah maksimum, penting untuk mendorong pendorong makanan secara perlahan.

Berdasarkan hal tersebut diketahui bahwa penting untuk mendorong makanan secara perlahan untuk mengekstrak jus dalam jumlah maksimum.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B.

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