

Read the dialogue carefully then answer the question.

Deswita: O.K., friends. We have discussed the plan of the interschool futsal competition. Randy and Kinar will be the coordinators of the event. Any questions?

Randy: Yes. How about the other OSIS members?

Deswita: Don't worry. We will support you. We do everything together, with both of you as the coordinators. Do you understand?

Randy: Yes. Who will be the referees for the competition then? We haven't talked about it yet.

Deswita: I will talk about it with Mr. Rizal, our PE teacher.

Mari: Good! I think we should choose fair ones, to avoid bad happenings.

Deswita: Exactly. I've already thought about that. Are there any more questions?

Mario: No, thanks.

Deswita: Alright. I think the discussion is enough. Thank you for coming.

Why do speakers say such sentences?

Why do speakers say such sentences?

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N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah "The speakers say such sentences to check the understanding of meeting members about the plan ofinterschool futsal competition.".

jawaban yang benar adalah "The speakers say such sentences to check the understanding of meeting members about the plan of interschool futsal competition.".



Terjemahan soal yaitu, "Mengapa pembicara berkata kalimat-kalimat tersebut?". Kalimat-kalimat yang dimaksud pada soal adalah sebagai berikut: " Any questions? " (Apakah ada pertanyaan?) " Do you understand? " (Apakah kalian paham?) "Are there any more questions?" (Apakah ada pertanyaan lagi?) Kalimat-kalimat tersebut merupakan ekspresi "mengecek pemahaman" ( checking understanding ). Pada dialog, pembicara mengatakan kalimat-kalimat tersebut untuk mengecek pemahaman para anggota yang mengikuti rapat tentang rencana kompetisi futsal antar sekolah.( T he speakers say such sentences to check the understanding of the meeting members about the plan ofinterschool futsal competition" ). Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "The speakers say such sentences to check the understanding of meeting members about the plan ofinterschool futsal competition.".

Terjemahan soal yaitu, "Mengapa pembicara berkata kalimat-kalimat tersebut?".

Kalimat-kalimat yang dimaksud pada soal adalah sebagai berikut:

  • "Any questions?" (Apakah ada pertanyaan?)
  • "Do you understand?" (Apakah kalian paham?)
  • "Are there any more questions?" (Apakah ada pertanyaan lagi?)

Kalimat-kalimat tersebut merupakan ekspresi "mengecek pemahaman" (checking understanding). Pada dialog, pembicara mengatakan kalimat-kalimat tersebut untuk mengecek pemahaman para anggota yang mengikuti rapat tentang rencana kompetisi futsal antar sekolah. (The speakers say such sentences to check the understanding of the meeting members about the plan of interschool futsal competition").

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "The speakers say such sentences to check the understanding of meeting members about the plan of interschool futsal competition.".

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Pertanyaan serupa

Pay attention to the sentences in bold. What do they mean?



Jawaban terverifikasi


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