


Read the following text and answer the question!

Dear Jane.

    I hope you are feeling better. Are you able to sit in the garden and enjoy the sunshine?
    We all miss you in the office and look forward to your return. There have been a few changes since you went into hospital. Eric Johnson has now retired (lucky man) and Matthew has taken over Eric's job. He is struggling at the moment. He hopes you will return soon to rescue him from the muddle/chaos.
    I thought you would like the book I'm sending you with this letter I saw it in the bookshop and thought it would make you laugh. I know you’ve always wanted to live in Greece. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and find time to read it before you return to work. Take it easy and look after yourself I'll write again soon.
Best regards

Why did Sheila write that letter to Jane?

Why did Sheila write that letter to Jane?

  1. Sheila informed Jane that Mathew has taken her job.

  2. Sheila encouraged Jane to get well soon.

  3. Sheila wanted Jane to read a book in the hospital.

  4. Sheila told Jane that everybody missed her.

  5.  Sheila hopes Jane would help Mathew.


D. Yaniar

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah B. Sheila encouraged Jane to get well soon .

jawaban yang benar adalah B. Sheila encouraged Jane to get well soon.



Soal menanyakan alasan Sheila menulis surat untuk Jane. Jawabannya dapat diketahui di paragraf pertama pada kalimat " I hope you are feeling better. " yang artinya "Aku harap kamu merasa lebih baik." Selain itu, dapat juga diketahui di paragraf kedua pada kalimat " We all miss you in the office and look forward to your return. " yang artinya "Kami semua merindukanmu di kantor dan menantikan kedatanganmu kembali." Berdasarkan terjemahan-terjemahannya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa alasan Sheila menulis surat untuk Jane adalah untukmendorong atau memberi semangat kepada Jane untuksegera sembuh. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B. Sheila encouraged Jane to get well soon .

Soal menanyakan alasan Sheila menulis surat untuk Jane.

Jawabannya dapat diketahui di paragraf pertama pada kalimat "I hope you are feeling better." yang artinya "Aku harap kamu merasa lebih baik."

Selain itu, dapat juga diketahui di paragraf kedua pada kalimat "We all miss you in the office and look forward to your return." yang artinya "Kami semua merindukanmu di kantor dan menantikan kedatanganmu kembali."

Berdasarkan terjemahan-terjemahannya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa alasan Sheila menulis surat untuk Jane adalah untuk mendorong atau memberi semangat kepada Jane untuk segera sembuh.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B. Sheila encouraged Jane to get well soon.

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Pertanyaan serupa

What does the letter tell us about?



Jawaban terverifikasi


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