


Read the following dialog and complete the question.

    The editor Clay Chandler interviews Robert Gaskins, the inventor of PowerPoint.

Bento: "Thank you for talking to us! Your invention of PowerPoint has made you quite the tech celeb. Tell us about how you came up with the idea for PowerPoint! What were your goals?"

Gaskins: "PowerPoint was created to disrupt and enlarge an already thriving industry: business presentations. It aimed to put control of presentations into the hands of presenters to help them express their own ideas. This was no small thing. Before personal computers, presenters worked through secretaries, graphics producers, or technical specialists to build presentations. All these intermediaries blurred the message and introduced delays that made it impractical to get everything right. When we began PowerPoint in early 1984, we knew what the program should do. The innovation of PowerPoint was to notice that presenting was a common and valuable task that could be made much easier, quicker, and better by using the graphics of Mac and Windows. PowerPoint sought to disrupt an established business model, much like Uber is doing now to licensed taxis We offered a superior replacement for a familiar capability."

(Taken from: http://bento.hult.edu/the-man-who-dreamed-of-powerpoint/)

Who is Robert Gaskins?

Who is Robert Gaskins?


D. Yaniar

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah B. The inventor of PowerPoint.

jawaban yang tepat adalah B. The inventor of PowerPoint.



Arti dari soal "SiapaRobert Gaskins? Jawaban ini dapat kita temukan diparagraf pertama pada kalimat " The editor Clay Chandler interviews Robert Gaskins, the inventor of PowerPoint ." Artinya "Editor Clay Chandler mewawancarai Robert Gaskins, penemu PowerPoint." Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B. The inventor of PowerPoint.

Arti dari soal "Siapa Robert Gaskins?

Jawaban ini dapat kita temukan di paragraf pertama pada kalimat "The editor Clay Chandler interviews Robert Gaskins, the inventor of PowerPoint." Artinya "Editor Clay Chandler mewawancarai Robert Gaskins, penemu PowerPoint."

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B. The inventor of PowerPoint.

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