


Fahri: Well friends. We have decided the job description, the participant and the registration. How about the fee?

Karla: I think each participant should pay Rp. 25.000. It is for the snacks, certificates and committee's needs.

Nisa: That's a good idea.

Nada: Yeach. I think Karla can describe it in this program fund description.

Fahri: Well Karla, can you help us make the details?

Karla: Sure. I will try.

Fahri: Ok friends, I think it is enough for today. I hope this program will run well. Thank you for attention. See you.

Friends: See you.

Which sentence goes to the expression of agreement?

Which sentence goes to the expression of agreement?

  1. I will try it.

  2. That's a good idea.

  3. I think Salma can describe it.

  4. I hope this program will run well.


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benaradalah B. That's a good idea .

jawaban yang benar adalah B. That's a good idea.




Pertanyaan "Which sentence goes to the expression of agreement?" berarti "Kalimat mana yang mengacu pada ungkapan persetujuan?" Berdasarkan dialog di atas, kita dapat merujuk pada kalimat berikut untuk mengetahui jawabannya: Karla: I think each participant should pay Rp. 25.000. It is for the snacks, certificates and committee's needs. Nisa: That's a good idea. Artinya: Karla: A ku pikir, tiap peserta harus membayar Rp.25.000. Itu untuk cemilan, sertifikat, dan kebutuhan panitia. Nisa: Ide bagus. Kalimat Nisa di atas menunjukkan persetujuan atas pendapat Karla. Jadi, jawaban yang benaradalah B. That's a good idea .

Pertanyaan "Which sentence goes to the expression of agreement?" berarti "Kalimat mana yang mengacu pada ungkapan persetujuan?"

Berdasarkan dialog di atas, kita dapat merujuk pada kalimat berikut untuk mengetahui jawabannya:

  • Karla: I think each participant should pay Rp. 25.000. It is for the snacks, certificates and committee's needs.
  • Nisa: That's a good idea.


  • Karla: Aku pikir, tiap peserta harus membayar Rp.25.000. Itu untuk cemilan, sertifikat, dan kebutuhan panitia.
  • Nisa: Ide bagus.

Kalimat Nisa di atas menunjukkan persetujuan atas pendapat Karla.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B. That's a good idea.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Choose the correct answer to completethe following dialogue. Sinta: I feel that students should do more discussion at class. Jeni: ____. Discussion can help us to develop our critical thinking...



Jawaban terverifikasi


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