


Read the text and answer the following question.

    NEW YORK – Madonna has sued the people who run her luxury co–op building overlooking the Central Park for refusing her request to buy a neighbor’s apartment.

    Madonna claimed in court papers that the co–op’s board of directors wrongfully blocked her purchase of the seventh–floor apartment at West 64th street on the Upper West Side. The Material Girl actress, who already owns a large apartment in the building, is asking the court to let the sale go through and award her legal fees, according to a notice field Wednesday in Manhattan’s State Supreme Court. The 49–year–old singer moved into the building after she was rejected by the board at the Ritzy San Remo co–op in 1985 presently home to U2 frontman, Bono Midboro Management Inc., the company that manages the West 64th street building, refused to give comments on the dispute, and the co–op board president did not answer a call on Friday for comment.

Taken from “The Jakarta Post”

Where did Madonna live before she moved to her apartment at West 64th Street?

Where did Madonna live before she moved to her apartment at West 64th Street?

  1. At the building overlooking the Central Park.

  2. At Bono’s apartment.

  3. At the luxury co–op building.

  4. At the Ritzy San Remo co–op building.

  5. At the building on the Upper West Side.


B. Atlaliust

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Medan

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D.

jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D.



Soal ini menanyakan di mana Madonna tinggal sebelum pindah ke apartemennya di West 64th Street. Pada paragraf 2 kalimat ketiga tertulis: " The 49–year–old singer moved into the building after she was rejected by the board at the Ritzy San Remo co–op in 1985. " Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D.

Soal ini menanyakan di mana Madonna tinggal sebelum pindah ke apartemennya di West 64th Street.

Pada paragraf 2 kalimat ketiga tertulis: "The 49–year–old singer moved into the building after she was rejected by the board at the Ritzy San Remo co–op in 1985."

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D.

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