


Do the following tasks.

5. Read the following text and answer the questions.

    A long holiday will be arriving soon. My family and I are planning to go to Lhoknga Beach for vacation. We will spend the holiday for about four days and we will stay in a villa near Lhoknga Beach. The villa is very luxurious. My father told us that the villa is surrounded by beautiful beach scenery.

    The things that we need to do before going to Lhoknga Beach is to prepare our belongings. Besides my personal belongings; I need to prepare my equipment for playing with sand at the beach. My sister will bring her camera in order to capture the beautiful scenery of Lhoknga Beach. My father will pack his fishing rod. He is going to fish at the beach for our meals. My mother will prepare the barbeque equipment for grilling the fish.

    Besides visiting Lhoknga Beach, we are going to visit nearby tourist attractions, such as Banda Aceh Capital City, Tsunami Museum, Ulee Lheue Beach, and several others in Aceh. We will rent a car for a city tour from Lhoknga Beach to those tourist attractions.

    We are going to return home in East Belitung Regency on Sunday evening. This is going to be the most unforgettable vacation for me and my family.

When did the writer and his family probably leave for a vacation?

When did the writer and his family probably leave for a vacation?


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah The writer and his family will probably leave for a vacation soon in this long holiday.

jawaban yang benar adalah The writer and his family will probably leave for a vacation soon in this long holiday.




Kalimat pertanyaan "When did the writer and his family probably leave for a vacation?" berarti "Kapan penulis dan keluarganya mungkin pergi berlibur?". Kalimat pertanyaan tersebut kemungkinan terdapat kesalahan penulisan, seharusnya "When will the writer and his family probably leave for a vacation?" (karena masih belum terjadi, masih rencana). Berdasarkan kalimat " A long holiday will be arriving soon. My family and I are planning to go to Lhoknga Beach for vacation." (Liburan panjang akan segera tiba. Saya dan keluarga berencana untuk pergi ke Pantai Lhoknga untuk berlibur.), dapat diketahui bahwa penulis dan keluarganya akan pergi berlibursegera saat liburan panjang tiba. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang sesuai adalah "The writer and his family will probably leave for a vacation soon in this long holiday." (Penulis dan keluarganya mungkin akan segera pergi berlibur di liburan panjang kali ini.) Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah The writer and his family will probably leave for a vacation soon in this long holiday.

Kalimat pertanyaan "When did the writer and his family probably leave for a vacation?" berarti "Kapan penulis dan keluarganya mungkin pergi berlibur?".

Kalimat pertanyaan tersebut kemungkinan terdapat kesalahan penulisan, seharusnya "When will the writer and his family probably leave for a vacation?" (karena masih belum terjadi, masih rencana).

Berdasarkan kalimat "A long holiday will be arriving soon. My family and I are planning to go to Lhoknga Beach for vacation." (Liburan panjang akan segera tiba. Saya dan keluarga berencana untuk pergi ke Pantai Lhoknga untuk berlibur.), dapat diketahui bahwa penulis dan keluarganya akan pergi berlibur segera saat liburan panjang tiba.

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang sesuai adalah "The writer and his family will probably leave for a vacation soon in this long holiday." (Penulis dan keluarganya mungkin akan segera pergi berlibur di liburan panjang kali ini.)

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah The writer and his family will probably leave for a vacation soon in this long holiday.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Where does this conversation probably take place?



Jawaban terverifikasi


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