

Read the text carefully and underline the passive voice you found. Then, answer the following questions.

    The Academy Awards (the Oscars) are given out every year to recognise outstanding work of movie actors, directors, and others who are part of the movie-making industry. These awards, called Oscars, are presented in a formal ceremony in Hollywood. Several people are nominated in specific categories, such as Best Movie, Best Actor, Best Music, and Best Costumes. One nominee is chosen to receive an award in each category.

    When the awards ceremony started in 1929, 15 awards were Soca and the ceremony was attended by only 250 people. Tickets cost $10, and anyone who could afford a ticket could attend. Today about two dozen Oscars are presented. Tickets are no longer sold to the general public; invitations are sent only to people involved in making the movies and to their guests. Today the awards are presented in the 3400-seat Kodak Theatre in Hollywood.

    Until 1941, the winners’ names were already known before the ceremony and published in newspapers the night before the ceremony. Now the winners' names are placed in sealed envelopes and the envelopes are not opened until the night of the ceremony. Since 1953, Oscar night has been televised and broadcast all over the world. This show is seen by hundreds of millions of people. Viewers watch as their favourite movie stars arrive looking beautiful and hopeful.

Adopted from: https://ngl.cenggage.com/assets/downloads/grcontext_pra0000000013/in_context_3_su.pdf

When did the awards ceremony start?

When did the awards ceremony start?

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N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat untuk soal tersebut adalah " The awards ceremony was started in 1929 . ".

jawaban yang tepat untuk soal tersebut adalah "The awards ceremony was started in 1929.".



Jawaban dari soal tersebut adalah " The awards ceremony was started in 1929. ". Soal tersebut menanyakan kapan seremoni penghargaan dimulai. Kata when artinya "kapan", merujukpada kapan pelaksanaan seremoni penghargaannya pertama kali diadakan. Pada paragraf kedua, terdapat kalimat " When the awards ceremony started in 1929, .... " yang artinya "Ketika seremoni penghargaan dimulai pada tahun 1929,....". Berdasarkan kalimat tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa seremoni penghargaan dimulai pada tahun 1929, atau " The awards ceremony was started in 1929. ". Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal tersebut adalah " The awards ceremony was started in 1929 . ".

Jawaban dari soal tersebut adalah "The awards ceremony was started in 1929.".

Soal tersebut menanyakan kapan seremoni penghargaan dimulai.

Kata when artinya "kapan", merujuk pada kapan pelaksanaan seremoni penghargaannya pertama kali diadakan.

Pada paragraf kedua, terdapat kalimat "When the awards ceremony started in 1929, ...." yang artinya "Ketika seremoni penghargaan dimulai pada tahun 1929,....".

Berdasarkan kalimat tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa seremoni penghargaan dimulai pada tahun 1929, atau "The awards ceremony was started in 1929.".

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal tersebut adalah "The awards ceremony was started in 1929.".

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Answer the questions. Who are talking?



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