


The following text is for questions 41 to 45.


    Duma, the rabbit, lived in a dense forest with other animals. Every day, she left her house early in the morning to collect food. She always went home with plenty of delicious food . One day, Monza, the monkey was curious about it. He persuaded Duma to show him where she got all the yummy food from. Duma brought Monza to the jungle and showed him the place.

    First, Duma brought Monza to a banana tree. There were a lot of ripe bananas on it. Monza said, "Let me climb the tree, my friend . You just stay here. I' ll get you some bananas." Duma agreed. She waited under the tree. However, Monza ate all the ripe bananas up. When he climbed down, he said, "Oh! I'm sorry. I forgot to bring you some. In fact, there is no ripe banana left any more. Sorry."

    "Well , that's alright," said Duma. "I 'll shake the apple tree there to make the ripe apples fall, so I can collect them ." "Oh, don't worry," said Monza, "Let me climb the tree. You look tired . Just wait here."

    Again, Monza climbed the tree and ate the ripe apples. Then he climbed down and said, "Oh, no! I forgot to bring you some again. Sorry."

    By that time, Duma understood that Monza had tricked her.

    "What about the sweet honey you told me. Where is it?" asked Monza.

     "Oh, it is right there," Duma said while pointing to a tall tree with some bee nests on it.

    "You just stay here," said Monza, "I 'll climb the tree." Without waiting for Duma's answer, Monza quickly climbed the tree.

     On the tree, when Monza saw a bee nest, he quickly grabbed it, thinking of the juicy honey inside. This made the bees inside the nest get furious. They all flew out of the nest and stang Monza. Monza got into a panic, he shouted, "Help! Help! Duma, help me!"

When did Duma know that Monza had a bad intention?

When did Duma know that Monza had a bad intention?

  1. When Monza found the bee nest.

  2. When they came to the banana tree. 

  3. When Monza had tricked her for the second time.

  4. When Monza persuaded her to show him the place of the food. 


F. Aulia

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Indonesia

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jawaban yang benar adalah C.

jawaban yang benar adalah C.



Pada soal tersebut, hal yang ditanyakan adalah kapan Duma tau Monza memiliki niat buruk Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut dapat ditemukan di paragraf keempat dan kalimat yang mengikutinya yang berbunyi " Again, Monza climbed the tree and ate the ripe apples. Then he climbed down and said, "Oh, no! I forgot to bring you some again. Sorry." By that time, Duma understood that Monza had tricked her . " Apabila diterjemahkan, kalimat tersebut berbunyi "Dan lagi lagi, Monza memanjat pohon dan memakan apel-apel yang telah matang. Kemudian, di memanjat turun dan mengatakan "Oh tidak! Aku lupa membawakanmu buahnya lagi. Maaf." Pada saat itu, Duma paham bahwa Monza berusaha untuk mengelabuinya ." Berdasarkan pilihan jawaban yang tersedia, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah " When Monza had tricked her for the second time " yang apabila diterjemahkan akan menjadi "Saat Monza mengelabuinya untuk kedua kalinya." Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

Pada soal tersebut, hal yang ditanyakan adalah kapan Duma tau Monza memiliki niat buruk

Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut dapat ditemukan di paragraf keempat dan kalimat yang mengikutinya yang berbunyi "Again, Monza climbed the tree and ate the ripe apples. Then he climbed down and said, "Oh, no! I forgot to bring you some again. Sorry." By that time, Duma understood that Monza had tricked her."

Apabila diterjemahkan, kalimat tersebut berbunyi "Dan lagi lagi, Monza memanjat pohon dan memakan apel-apel yang telah matang. Kemudian, di memanjat turun dan mengatakan "Oh tidak! Aku lupa membawakanmu buahnya lagi. Maaf." Pada saat itu, Duma paham bahwa Monza berusaha untuk mengelabuinya."

Berdasarkan pilihan jawaban yang tersedia, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah "When Monza had tricked her for the second timeyang apabila diterjemahkan akan menjadi "Saat Monza mengelabuinya untuk kedua kalinya."

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

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