


Read the following dialog and answer the question.

Cahaya: Hi Bulan. What did you do last weekend?

Bulan: Oh. I did a lot of things. I went to a village last Saturday

Cahaya: Who did you visit?

Bulan: I visited my grandparents. They live in the village

Cahaya: Oh I see. Who did you go with?

Bulan: I went there with all of my family. They were mother, father and my younger sisters.

Cahaya: Wow, that would be so fun!

Bulan: Yeah, it was so fun. And we also felt tired.

Cahaya: What did you do there?

Bulan: We helped our grandparents in the farm My sisters and I fed the cows, chicken, pigs and horses. Then we took some chicken eggs and gave them to mother.

What was their feeling after visiting the village?

What was their feeling after visiting the village?

  1. Sad

  2. Upset

  3. Happy

  4. Ridiculous


R. Fitriani

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah C.Happy

jawaban yang tepat adalah C. Happy



Soal tersebut menanyakan “Bagaimana perasaan mereka setelah mengunjungi desa?”. Di dalam dialog Bulan berkata Yeah, it was so fun. And we also felt tired . Yang berarti "Ya, itu sangat menyenangkan. Dan kami juga merasa lelah." Dengan demikian jawaban yang tepat adalah C.Happy

Soal tersebut menanyakan “Bagaimana perasaan mereka setelah mengunjungi desa?”.

Di dalam dialog Bulan berkata Yeah, it was so fun. And we also felt tired. Yang berarti "Ya, itu sangat menyenangkan. Dan kami juga merasa lelah."

Dengan demikian jawaban yang tepat adalah C. Happy

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

What does the text mostly tell about?



Jawaban terverifikasi


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