

Read the text for questions 5-7

225 New Station Road,

Agra – 7

March 2, 2007

To: The Manager,

Navajivan Trading Co.

Dear Sir, 

In response to your advertisement in “The Times of India” of today that you are on the lookout for enterprising and capable men who can take up market research for you, I respectfully offer myself as candidate for the post. I give below in brief my qualifications and experience in the line for your kind consideration.

I am a diploma holder in commercial courses from S.D. College of Commerce, Agra, and had taken marketing as my .special subject of study. I have worked as a field investigator with Messrs Kirpal Marketing and Trading Co., Agra for about two years on a salary of Rs. 1 800/-p.m. and had the privilege of winning laurels from my superiors in regard to my work as well as general conduct.

I am a young man of about 24 years and possess good health and personality. I have pleasing manners, hardworking disposition and keenness for outdoor jobs. I am unmarried and can be posted to any area of the country for market study. I can speak, beside Hindi, Punjabi, and English, some southern languages too. I can join immediately.

I shall highly appreciate if an opportunity is given to me to explain my experience to you in person during my interview. Would you kindly let me know the time and date when it will be convenient for you? Thanking you, I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

B.K. Bhalla

What position does Bhalla apply for?

What position does Bhalla apply for?

  1. A candidate of a reporter in ‘The Times of India.’

  2. A candidate of a market researcher.

  3. A candidate of a field investigator.

  4. A candidate of a university lecturer.

  5. A candidate of a teacher in a school.

8 dari 10 siswa nilainya naik

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N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Dalam surat lamaran kerja ini Bhalla melamar untuk posisi peneliti. Hal ini bisa dilihat dalam kalimat berikut ini In response to your advertisement in “The Times of India” of today that you are on the lookout for enterprising and capable men who can take up market research for you, I respectfully offer myself as candidate for the post. (Menanggapi iklan Anda di "The Times of India" hari ini bahwa Anda sedang mencari orang yanggiat dan cakap yang dapat melakukan riset pasar untuk Anda, saya dengan hormat menawarkan diri saya sebagai kandidat untuk posisi tersebut.) Dengan demikan, jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Dalam surat lamaran kerja ini Bhalla melamar untuk posisi peneliti. Hal ini bisa dilihat dalam kalimat berikut ini In response to your advertisement in “The Times of India” of today that you are on the lookout for enterprising and capable men who can take up market research for you, I respectfully offer myself as candidate for the post. (Menanggapi iklan Anda di "The Times of India" hari ini bahwa Anda sedang mencari orang yang  giat dan cakap yang dapat melakukan riset pasar untuk Anda, saya dengan hormat menawarkan diri saya sebagai kandidat untuk posisi tersebut.)

Dengan demikan, jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!


Puput Andini02

Makasih ❤️

Hasna Nida

Pembahasan lengkap banget Ini yang aku cari! Mudah dimengerti Bantu banget Makasih ❤️

Meivei Cellla

Di suruh log udah tapi tetep gk bis lihat 😶🧐😏


Pertanyaan serupa

What will the company most probably do before inviting Bhalla to an interview?



Jawaban terverifikasi


Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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