
Making an Offer of Help or Service

Read and practice the following dialog.

Donna: Donny, you are still busy with your computer. Don't you feel tired?

Donny: I am, but I must finish my report tonight.

Donna: Why didn't you do it yesterday so that you wouldn't have had to type until late tonight?

Donny: You know, I am busy with my activities at OSIS these days.

Donna: I see, but you look very tired. What can I do to help you?

Donny: Nothing, thanks. I'll cope by myself.

Donna: O.K. What if I make a cup of coffee or tea for you?

Donny: Yes. A cup of coffee, please.

Donna: Anyway, would you like sugar and cream in your coffee?

Donny: Yes. Thanks.

Donna: O.K. You're welcome.

What modal is used in those sentences?

What modal is used in those sentences?

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D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah "The modals used in those sentences are 'would' and 'can' ."

jawaban yang benar adalah "The modals used in those sentences are 'would' and 'can'."



Soal menanyakan modals yang digunakan dalam dialog tersebut. Modals padadialog dapat ditemukan pada kalimat "What can I do to help you?" dan "Anyway, would you like sugar and cream in your coffee?" Modals pada kedua kalimat tersebut bertujuan untuk offering somethingto someone (menawarkan sesuatu kepada seseorang). Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "The modals used in those sentences are 'would' and 'can' ."

Soal menanyakan modals yang digunakan dalam dialog tersebut.

Modals pada dialog dapat ditemukan pada kalimat "What can I do to help you?" dan "Anyway, would you like sugar and cream in your coffee?"

Modals pada kedua kalimat tersebut bertujuan untuk offering something  to someone (menawarkan sesuatu kepada seseorang).

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "The modals used in those sentences are 'would' and 'can'."

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Pertanyaan serupa

What verb follows the modal in the sentence?



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