


Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D, or E.

    In my opinion, rich countries, such as a few countries in Europe, should help poor countries that are located in Africa, Asia, and South America. Rich countries should be responsible for providing the basic needs of poor countries, such as food and education.

    It is reported that famines always happen in some parts of Africa, mostly caused by climate change and civil wars that lead to harvest failure. It is the duty of all nations' governments to help poor countries so that the world can be a better place for all human beings. We should try to have a world where no one hears news about starving and lack of education in other countries.

What is TRUE according to the text?

What is TRUE according to the text?

  1. Rich countries should take over the poor countries to provide their food and education.

  2. Poor countries always find it difficult to get out of the poverty chain.

  3. Poor countries have the right to ask for help from rich countries.

  4. All countries should work hand-in-hand to help poor countries.

  5. Civil wars always happen in poor countries.


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah A.

jawaban yang benar adalah A.




Soal ini menanyakan pernyataan yang benar berdasarkan isi teks. Pada teks terdapat kalimat yang berbunyi " Rich countries should be responsible for providing the basic needs of poor countries, such as food and education " yang artinya "Negara-negara kaya harus bertanggung jawab untuk menyediakan kebutuhan dasar negara-negara miskin, seperti pangan dan pendidikan". Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut maka kalimat pada pilihan jawaban " Rich countries should take over the poor countries to provide their food and education " merupakan pernyataan yang benar dan sesuai dengan isi teks. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A.

Soal ini menanyakan pernyataan yang benar berdasarkan isi teks.

Pada teks terdapat kalimat yang berbunyi "Rich countries should be responsible for providing the basic needs of poor countries, such as food and education" yang artinya "Negara-negara kaya harus bertanggung jawab untuk menyediakan kebutuhan dasar negara-negara miskin, seperti pangan dan pendidikan".

Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut maka kalimat pada pilihan jawaban "Rich countries should take over the poor countries to provide their food and education" merupakan pernyataan yang benar dan sesuai dengan isi teks.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A.

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Pertanyaan serupa

What is TRUE according to the text?



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