


There is a small garden in my school. It is located beside the bicycle shed. It is very beautiful. The garden is surrounded by rose plants. The roses have various colors, such as pink, red, blue, yellow, and white. When blossoming, many butterflies fly around them and hop from one flower to another. However, everyone is forbidden to pick them up. The garden is planted several kinds of vegetables, like carrots, cabbages, eggplants, chilies, tomatoes, and onions. Students of each class are responsible to take care of the garden, in turns. They are helped by Mr. Ahmadi, our school janitor. We are really very proud of having such a fine garden in our school.

What is the writer's purpose of writing the text?

What is the writer's purpose of writing the text?

  1. To ask students to take care of the school garden.

  2. To invite people to see his school garden.

  3. To describe what his school garden is like.

  4. To mention kinds of plants in his school garden


Y. Yuli.Widya

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah C.

jawaban yang benar adalah C.



Kalimat "What is the writer's purpose of writing the text?" berarti "Apa tujuan penulis menulis teks tersebut?". Teks tersebut merupakan Descriptive text yang membahas seperti apa taman sekolah si penulis. Berdasarkan kalimat pembuka paragraf tersebut "There is a small garden in my school" (Ada taman kecil di sekolah saya), yang kemudian dijelaskan secara rinci pada kalimat-kalimat berikutnya menunjukkan bahwa teks tersebut merupakan deskripsi dari taman sekolah si penulis. Dengan demikian, tujuan dari teks tersebut (purpose of the text) adalah untuk menggambarkan / mendeskripsikantaman sekolah si penulis (To describe what his school garden is like) . Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

Kalimat "What is the writer's purpose of writing the text?" berarti "Apa tujuan penulis menulis teks tersebut?".

Teks tersebut merupakan Descriptive text yang membahas seperti apa taman sekolah si penulis.

Berdasarkan kalimat pembuka paragraf tersebut "There is a small garden in my school" (Ada taman kecil di sekolah saya), yang kemudian dijelaskan secara rinci pada kalimat-kalimat berikutnya menunjukkan bahwa teks tersebut merupakan deskripsi dari taman sekolah si penulis. Dengan demikian, tujuan dari teks tersebut (purpose of the text) adalah untuk menggambarkan / mendeskripsikan taman sekolah si penulis (To describe what his school garden is like).

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

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Pertanyaan serupa

The text is written ____.



Jawaban terverifikasi


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