
Answer the following questionscorrectly !

Read the text below to answer the question no. 29 -30!

An Effect Of Human Activities On The Balance Of The Ecosystem

    An environmental balance occurs when there is harmony and balance of biotic and abiotic components. The factors that cause changes in the balance is the natural factors and human factors. Examples of the natural factors are volcanic eruptions, floods, landslides, forest fires, storms and tsunami.Examples of the human factors are illegal logging and burning of forests, hunting of animals, excessive use of fertilizers, littering, and activities that pollute the environment.

What is the title of the text ?

What is the title of the text ?

  1. An Effect Of Human Activities On The Balance Of The Ecosystem

  2. Biotic components

  3. Abiotic Components

  4. natural disasters factors

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D. Putri

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

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jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

jawaban yang tepat adalah A.


Arti dari pertanyaan di atas adalah "Apakah judul dari teksnya?". Judul dari teks di atas adalah " An Effect Of Human Activities On The Balance Of The Ecosystem ". Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

Arti dari pertanyaan di atas adalah "Apakah judul dari teksnya?". Judul dari teks di atas adalah "An Effect Of Human Activities On The Balance Of The Ecosystem".

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

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